Upcoming & Ongoing plus Regular Weekly and Monthly Events

For listing in the newspaper and online, send community events by Thursday at 2 p.m. to Calendar@MountainEnterprise.com or call 661.245.3794

Friday, August 15

•Sixth Annual Center of the World Festival Opening Night is 7:30-10 p.m., featuring storytelling for all ages. A wide range of personalities sharing personal stories of fantasy, nature and tradition. A unique treat in the Pine Mountain Village gazebo! Donations accepted (www.COWfest.org).

•Tejon Conservancy California Naturalist course begins tonight at Frazier Park Library, 6-8:30 p.m. (five Friday evenings at FP Library, 6–8:30 p.m. and five Saturdays at Tejon Ranch, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.). Sign up is $100 with four UC Davis college credits optional ($85 added fee) toward certification as a state naturalist at calnat.ucanr.edu/Take_a_class/Tejon_Ranch_Conservancy.

Saturday, August 16

•Don’t miss Center of the World Festival’s Playwright Competition, 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. Audience votes for winners among international playwrights (Pine Mountain Village gazebo, www.COWfest.org).

•‘Arts Speaks’ is a COWFest ‘Written Art’ contest, shown with video and photography competition in the Artisans Gallery, 4–6 p.m. (16225 Askin Drive, #21, Pine Mountain Village), just north of the Pine Mountain Village gazebo.

Sunday, August 17

•Fort Tejon’s Civil War Living History and Battle Demonstrations (schedule permitting) are today, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. (4201 Ft. Tejon Road, I-5 exit State Park, 3 miles north of FP).

•The final day of the Center of the World Festival features the Songwriting Competition, live music, and over $1000 in COWFest awards, 1–5 p.m. (Pine Mountain Village gazebo, www.COWfest.org).

•Mountain Communities SPCA will host a BBQ with chicken, tri-tip and a silent auction fundraiser, 3 p.m. at the PMC clubhouse Pool Pavilion. Presale tickets are $20/person; $35/couples (661.245.3166).

Ongoing and Upcoming

•Sports night is every Tuesday from 5–7 p.m. at Lampkin Field, Pine Mountain Village—every week, weather permitting. Sports include basketball, volleyball and soccer. Invite your friends. Sponsored by Peak to Peak Mountain Charter and Principal Juan Ricoy.

•Sign up for Color the Mountain 5K Fun Run to support the Youth Leadership Conference—$30 now through August 31 (payments to Family Resource Ctr., P.O. Box 1902, FP 93225). Event is September 20.

•Does your nonprofit organization need a fundraiser? The last Saturday of every month is up-for-grabs fund raising day at Name Your Price Thrift Store (628 Alhambra Tr., Frazier Park). Staff the store for a day and fundraiser for your nonprofit (818.448.9007).

•The Ridge Route Communities Museum’s Annual Rummage Sale and fundraiser is Labor Day Weekend, Saturday, Aug. 30 and Sunday, Aug. 31, 12.–4 p.m.; Monday, Sept. 1, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. on the museum grounds (3515 Park Drive, Frazier Park). Bring your donations of gently used items to the museum or call 661.245.7747 to arrange pick up.

•Go for a Sunday Stroll with the Condor Group of the Sierra Club, 8-9:30 a.m., starting at the PMC parking lot. Free, no reservations needed; children with a parent are welcome.

•Green Dragon Farms Market is every Saturday, 10 a.m.–12 p.m. during summer (3433 Los Padres Drive, Frazier Park).


Frazier Park Library
Hours: Tue., Wed., Thur. 11-7; Fri.-Sat. 9-5
3732 Park Drive, FP— 661-245-1267

Saturday, August 16

•9–9:30 a.m. Beginning Piano with Karen Anthony. Call for a four-week session (661.245.1189)

•3:30–5 p.m. Community Classic readings returns––Antony and Cleopatra, Part II

Tuesday, August 19

•11:30 a.m. Family Storytime by Marie Smith

Wednesday August 20

•12:05–1 p.m. Webinar: Small Business Association Lending Roundtable

•3:30 p.m. Chess Club Coach Bill Hopper will teach beginners. All are welcome.



Every Monday:

•White Sage Lace Guild, Bobbin lace & tatting 9-3 Liz 242-0619
•Meals on Wheels Distribution (also Wed., Fri.) 245-1952
•Senior Exercise 11 a.m. Frazier Park Community Center 245-1992
•Frazier Mountain Quilters, Frazier Park Senior Center, 12:30-4 p.m. Pam 331-1837
•Florence Cuddy Farm volunteer day is 1-4 p.m. at Cuddy Hall
•Christmas Community Choir all ages 5:15-6 p.m. at the Vineyard Church. More info 242-2321
•Al-Anon Meetings 6:30-7:30 p.m. Healthy Start Meeting room, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park 245-2557

Every Tuesday:
•Family Story Time 11:30 a.m. Frazier Park Library 245-1267
•Canasta, Frazier Park Community Center Senior Room 1 p.m.
•Kern County Search & Rescue 7 p.m. Frazier Park Community Building.

Every Wednesday:
•Pine Mountain Christian Community Church Women’s Bible Study 10 a.m. 242-1025
•OK Farm volunteer day 10-12 noon 3433 Los Padres Dr., FP
•Florence Cuddy Farm volunteer day is 1-4 p.m. at Cuddy Hall
•Chess: All ages welcome 3:30 p.m. Coach Bill Hopper to teach at Frazier Park Library 245-1267
•CrossTrainers at Frazier Mountain Community Center 6:30-8 p.m. 3rd-7th graders (girls 3rd-9th) Coach Rose 248-2004

Every Thursday:
•Scrappers Club 8-2 Pool Pavilion at PMC Clubhouse
•Paralegal at Family Resource Center 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, 245-4303
•Senior Exercise 11 a.m. Frazier Park Community Center 245-1992
•Personal computer coaching 11:30 a.m. Frazier Park Library, 245-1267
•E-Reader help. Call for appt. Frazier Park Library 245-1267
•Mexican Train Domino, Frazier Mountain Park Community Center Senior Rm. 1 p.m. 245-1992
•Awana-All children welcome ages 3 yrs.-6th grade 6 p.m. at Pine Mtn. Christian Community Church

Every Friday:
•AA Meeting is 6-7:30 p.m. Healthy Start meeting room, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, Ste. 102, Frazier Park

Every Saturday:
•Yard Sale Show, Channel 14 Cable show at 7 a.m. 245-2688
•Reading of the Greek drama 5-6:30 p.m. Frazier Park Library
•Bingo 7-9 p.m. VFW Hall, 612 Canada Trail, FP 245-3273

Every Sunday:
•Strolls with the Sierra Club. Meet at PMC Clubhouse parking lot 8-9:30 a.m. 242-0432
•Mexican Train Domino and Canasta at the Frazier Park Community Center Senior Room 1 p.m.
•Youth Group (7th -12th grades) at Pine Mountain Christian Community Church, 5-7 p.m. 242-1025


1st & 3rd Thurs: Crochet 4 p.m. Frazier Park Library 245-1267

2nd & 4th Wed: Dept. of Human Services 9:30-11:30 a.m. Family Resource Center. No appt. needed.
•Senior Sack 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Frazier Park Community Center 245-3409

2nd & 4th Sat: Veterans Support Group 7 p.m. near Midway Market upstairs in LOW 245-4269


First Mon: Pine Mountain Village Merchants 9 a.m. at Mil Potrero
Mutual Water Company 242-4022

•Pinon Pines Water Board 6:30 p.m. at firehouse

First Wed: Salvation Army Commodities Distribution 10:30 a.m. Frazier Park Community Center 245-3995

First Thu: Boys & Girls Club board meeting,12 noon, Tejon Mountain Village office 661-663-4281
•LOW Mutual Water Co meeting is 7 p.m. at Cuddy Hall

First Fri: Red Hat Society Frazier Mountain Mommas 9 a.m.
Call Kay for place 245-2673

•Drum & Sound Circle
6:30-8:30 p.m. PowWow Lodge,
2400 Ironwood Dr., PMC 242-1779

First Sat: VFW & Ladies Auxiliary 11 a.m. VFW Post Hall
•KYIS Knitting Guild meet at PMC Clubhouse Pool Pavilion 1-4 p.m.
•Sierra Club Condor Group
6:30 p.m. Pool Pavilion, PMC
Clubhouse 242-0423

Second Tues: Gorman School Board 3:30 p.m. at the school

•Lebec County Water District board meeting, 7 p.m.
2037 Lebec Road, Lebec

Second Wed: Ridge Route
Communities Museum board
meeting 6 p.m. at the museum

Second Thu: Assemblywoman Shannon Grove’s mobile office hours 10-11 a.m. Family Resource Center, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, FP Appt. Javier at 661-395-2995.

•Congressman Kevin McCarthy’s mobile office hours are 10-11 a.m. at the Family Resource Center, 3015 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park. For an appointment call Vince at 661-327-3611

•South West Health Care District meeting 6 p.m. Frazier Mountain Community Health Center

•Frazier Park Public Utility District board meeting 6 p.m. at office.

•ETUSD School Board 7 p.m.
Frazier Mountain High School
campus in the Continuation
Room 248-6247

Second Fri: Pine Mountain Town Hall 7 p.m. Info call 242-3788
Second Sat: Scouts West 4 x 4 Club at Caveman Cavey’s 10 a.m. 245-3250

•Warped Yarns Spinning and Weaving Guild in Pinon Pines.
Call Holly at 245-2489 or
Mary 242-7005 for location.

•Pine Mountain Christian Community Church Ladies Potluck Brunch. Call Linda Rivette at 242-1618 for details and location.

Third Mon: Mobile Medical
Clinic. Free. 15011 Lockwood
Valley Road. Chico Larson at Sheriff’s maintenance yard
10 a.m.-3 p.m.

Third Tues: South Kern Cemetery District board meeting 5:30 p.m. Arvin Library,
Third Wed: Shelter on the Hill board, Tejon Ranch Natural Resource Bldg. 6 p.m. 245-5021 Members & guests

•AARP Board meeting 9:30 a.m. Frazier Park Senior Center. Shirley 245-1782

Third Thu: McCASA Meeting 5 p.m. Family Resource Center meeting room downstairs. For more info call 245-4303

Pine Mountain Gardeners meeting 7 p.m. in the PMC Pool Pavilion. For more info call Erik Sluyter 242-6960

This is part of the August 15, 2014 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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