FMHS Booster Line

  • The popular Frazier Mountain High School Drumline is one of the programs that the FMHS Booster Club has supported in the past.

    The popular Frazier Mountain High School Drumline is one of the programs that the FMHS Booster Club has supported in the past.

Events– Picnic and a Movie: Join us for our second Family Movie Night at the FMHS football field Saturday, July 30 for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Tickets are $5 and gates open at 6:30 p.m.

Spread the word and bring your chairs and blankets for another great night with tri-tip barbecue and snack bar open (sponsored by Take One Theater and Frazier Park Market).

August 5-7: Fiesta Days Booster Club Booth. Got Beef? We are raffling off 200 pounds of beef with ticket price of $10 a chance. Look for pre-sale tickets at some of our local merchants. Monday, Aug. 8: Booster Club Meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Caveman Cavey’s Cave.

Saturday, Aug. 20: First Annual Pancake Breakfast to kick off the sports season. Join us for breakfast in the FMHS cafeteria from 7-10 a.m. Tickets are $5 per person for two pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon or sausage, milk or juice.

News–Please help us to meet our goal of $25,000 by supporting these events and helping our children continue to play sports at FMHS. The FMHS Booster Club thanks our new high school principal Anthony Saba for attending our recent meeting. We appreciate his enthusiasm and support for our organization. Thanks also to William Shillig, head football coach, and to the many others in our community who have shown their support for our FMHS athletic program.

Notices– Look for us on Facebook at “FMHS Booster.” Join Boosters Club at any Booster event. Dues are 1-year $15, 2-year $30 and 4-year $45. [Right: The FMHS Drumline is one of the programs that receives Booster support.]

This is part of the July 22, 2011 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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