Week’s Highs To Be in the 80s—National Weather Service
FRAZIER PARK, CA (Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 7:30 a.m.)—This is a good week to get busy and finish up a lot of those projects that we just can’t seem to get done when it …
Breaking News: Grapevine Open, Area Roads Icy
UPDATE-FRAZIER PARK (Thursday, Dec. 30, 1 p.m.)—Skies are clear today, but ice is slippery on shady sections of raodways. Most roads are plowed and cindered. Motorists are advised to drive slowly and to be wary …
Breaking News: Superintendent Shelly Mason Dies After Lingering Illness
By Patric Hedlund FRAZIER PARK (Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2010 at 3:40 p.m.)—If anyone seemed to have immortality within her grasp, it was Rochelle ‘Shelly’ Mason. And if doing what one loves is the formula for …
Santa Sightings Around the Mountain

Merry Christmas • Happy Holy Days Feliz Navidad • Joyeux Noël
A young Santa sat in his sleigh pondering. Around him stood his merry team of reindeer and one very special dog. Young actors …
Grateful Mom Says ‘Thanks’

By Georgia Tuomy
Last week my son Cole Walling, 23 was involved in a car accident that shook my world and that of his many friends.
The brakes of the old panel truck he was …
A Modest Proposal for Keeping the Lights on
By Gary Meyer
On Tuesday, Dec. 21, as Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) members reviewed solutions to the quickly approaching blackout of streetscape lighting in Frazier Park’s business district, commercial property owner Emilie Wainright made a …
Fleeing Sacramento Gunman Captured on Grapevine by CHP
By Patric Hedlund
A gunman, fleeing after a fierce south Sacramento shootout that took the lives of two people, was captured yesterday on the Grapevine south of Gorman, near Quail Lake. California Highway Patrol officers …
Winds, Rain Bring Down Trees

State of Emergency Proclaimed
Wild gusts of high winds (reported up to 85 miles per hour) and torrential rains uprooted a large pine tree and hurled it onto the home of Lisa and Scott Parsons …
Ongoing through December
- Work of HeART Gallery features a group show in December and photographer Martha Casey-Dirker in January.
- Bandit live 6 p.m. at La Sierra Restaurant every Tuesday in Dec. (3500 Mt. Pinos …
Two Years in Prison for Lebec Phone Line Vandals

By Patric Hedlund
Roger Pool, 39 and Heath Poff, 37 of Lebec have both pled no contest to felony vandalism for cutting the telephone wires into O’Neil Canyon on November 17. They also pled no …
ICE Confirms 5 Seized in Raids
By Patric Hedlund
Officials have confirmed that five people were seized Friday, Dec. 3 by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents. Rumors alleging that 30 people were taken into custody appear to be untrue.
News and Features
Car Crashes into Gorman Shop
By Gary Meyer
Two potential customers made a shocking entry into Antiques on the Grapevine on Saturday, Dec. 4 at 11 a.m.
Parminder Singh, 35 of McFarland and his passenger Sikhur Singh, 37 drove a ...
- Our Lady of the Snows Becomes Santa’s Workshop
- Magic Bookshelf Craft Club
- Frazier Park Substation Sheriff’s Log
- Association News: Fire Station News and Political Hot Potatoes
- Beware of Icy Roads