Week’s Highs To Be in the 80s—National Weather Service
FRAZIER PARK, CA (Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 7:30 a.m.)—This is a good week to get busy and finish up a lot of those projects that we just can’t seem to get done when it …
Burglaries Mobilize Cuddy Neighbors

‘We’ve Had Enough’ Cuddy Valley Says
By Patric Hedlund
Cowboy hats, plaid flannel shirts, coffee strong as thunder, and homemade cookies warmed a gathering in Cuddy Hall on Monday, March 5. About 70 neighbors from …
Criminal Prosecution Was Threatened Over Lebec’s 12-Inch Water Line

By Gary Meyer
The civil engineer and developer who constructed a controversial 12-inch diameter water line for 170 feet underneath "blue line" Cuddy Creek in Lebec during December 2009 was threatened with criminal prosecution by …
Change on Display In the Antelope Valley

Solar Begins to Win Hearts and Minds
By Patric Hedlund
Javier Pomposo was spitting fire one year ago. Pomposo, who lives in the Fairmont area, was stabbing the air with his forefinger at a …

The Frazier Mountain High School Booster Club will hold its annual Casino Night fundraiser this Saturday, March 10 at 6:30 p.m. at Frazier Mountain Park Community Center.
It is the major fundraiser of the year …
For the Record
LOW Water Company Election
Last week The Mountain Enterprise printed an ad for the Lake of the Woods Mutual Water Company that was mistitled and carried misleading information. Stockholders who wish to run for a …
Breaking News: Gas Line Ruptured on Grant Trail in Frazier Park

FRAZIER PARK, CA (Saturday, Mar. 10, 2012 at 6:55 p.m.)–Repair crews completed work and the road was re-opened on Grant Trail between Logan Trail and Pearl Trail on Saturday afternoon.
FRAZIER PARK, CA (Saturday, Mar. …
News and Features
Burglars Hit Fairmont Market
Fairmont Market owner John Gaglione discovered Monday morning, March 5 that a glass door to his store on Highway 138 in the Western Antelope Valley was smashed by an 8-inch rock, probably during the early ...
Author Francis Hamit Holds Book Signing at Russo’s Books
Francis Hamit, Pine Mountain author of the Civil War thrillers The Queen of Washington and The Shenandoah Spy will sign his books from 1-3 p.m. March 17 at Russo’s Books in Bakersfield.
Company Says Solar Panels of Cadmium-Telluride Harmless
Some Residents Say Questions Persist
By Gary Meyer
Representatives of First Solar, Inc. met with West Antelope Valley residents Tuesday, March 6 at Fox Field airport to follow up on questions raised a month earlier, ...
The FP–Locally Produced Film Goes National Mar. 16, at Universal Citywalk March 28–See Video
UPDATE–The FP opened nationwide for St. Patrick’s Day, and is gaining reviews in high places. Now it will play at Universal Citywalk on March 28. Here is a review in Wired Magaziine .
The ...
How to Create a Local Job for Yourself
By Angel Cottrell, SBDC of WEV and Paul Edwards, Let’s Live Local
If you are tired of the long, costly commute to a distant job, and if you are hoping to learn more about creating ...
Editorial: A Red Flag Is Waving Over Lebec County Water District
A developer and a state agency have waved a magic pen to say “everything is okay,” after state laws were broken to hurry along excavation through a blue line creek. The construction of Lebec’s famous ...
Calendar and Announcements
- Curves’ Food Drive and Membership Offer
- Upcoming & Ongoing
- Southbound Grapevine Exit to Frazier Mountain Park Road Closed Until May
- Snow Snaps
- Fitness, Flexibility in AARP Exercise Class
- Last Chance to Help Green Dragon Win $5,000
- Frazier Park Substation Sheriff’s Log
- Cub Scout Pack 27
- Lake of the Woods POA Votes for Garden
Community Input
- Streaker Sighting
- $55,000 Gamble?
- Oxygen Addicts
- Rocky
- Science Heroes
- Win $5,000
- The Power of Prayer
- Insomniacs Unite!
- Food Aid