Breaking News: Veterans Stand-Down in Bakersfield Thursday, Oct. 12
BAKERSFIELD, CA [Monday, Oct. 9, 2017 at 5 p.m.]—The Kern County Veterans Stand Down Organizing Committee, led by California Veterans Assistance Foundation and with Veterans Service the Veterans Stand Down event from from 8 a.m. …
Dirty secrets of California’s ‘clean energy’ plan

By Patric Hedlund, TME
Governor Edmund G. ‘Jerry’ Brown has been traveling around the world this year to lobby mayors, governors and heads of state, from Szechuan Province in China to Argentina, Norway, Washington state …
OpEd: Just Say No! — Dirty secrets of California’s ‘clean energy’ plan
OpEd by Jeff Zimmerman, Neenach
This Neenach Solar site is the direct opposite of the Los Angeles County Town and Country Plan to keep Neenach a rural community in the Western Antelope Valley.
We had …
Lockwood Valley holds Town Hall

Reported by Paul Grossgold, Dist. 3 Chief of Staff
Supervisor Kelly Long last week convened a Lockwood Valley Town Hall to meet constituents from the most rural section of District 3. On Wednesday, Sept. …
Cemetery Approved for Frazier Park

The board of directors of the South Kern Cemetery District took public comments October 3 before voting unanimously to accept Frazier Park property owner Sigmund Lichter’s proposal to place an above-ground, cremation cemetery on his …
COMMUNITY CALENDAR: Upcoming & Ongoing plus Regular Weekly and Monthly Events
For listing in the newspaper and online, send community events by Thursday at 2 p.m. to or call 661.245.3794 ___________________________
Friday, October 6, 2017
•Candlelight vigil to remember victims of the Las Vegas …
Lowest cost Fictitious Business Name (DBA) publishing in Kern County announced by The Mountain Enterprise

FRAZIER PARK, CA (Monday, April 8, 2024 at 6:30 a.m.)—The Mountain Enterprise newspaper announced on Monday, April 8, that its Fictitious Business Name publishing fee is the lowest in Kern County. “We’re keeping the cost …
Breaking News: Verizon cell towers malfunctioning from Fresno to Southern California
FRAZIER PARK, CA (Saturday, Oct. 7, 2017 at 12:45 a.m.)—Verizon is back in operation in our region and it appears that cell phones are performing normally once again. No explanation has been offered as yet.
Breaking News: Fire burning in Antelope Acres, Lancaster

UPDATE–ANTELOPE ACRES, CA (Tuesday, October 10, 2017 at 4:50 p.m.)— Neenach photographer Jeff Zimmerman reports that two explosions were reported at 40th Street West and Avenue C at possible welding shops. These are reported to …
News and Features
Dirty secrets of California’s ‘clean energy’ plan
By Patric Hedlund, TME
Governor Edmund G. ‘Jerry’ Brown has been traveling around the world this year to lobby mayors, governors and heads of state, from Szechuan Province in China to Argentina, Norway, Washington state ...
Lockwood Valley holds Town Hall
Reported by Paul Grossgold, Dist. 3 Chief of Staff
Supervisor Kelly Long last week convened a Lockwood Valley Town Hall to meet constituents from the most rural section of District 3. On Wednesday, Sept. ...
Arts & Entertainment
- Las Vegas shooting claims Kern, AV lives
- Public forum on Lebec-Tejon water agency accord
- Jack the Roofer passes his test …With a little help from his friends
- Ubuntu: Neighbors Explore the Web that Connects
- 30 years forging positive attitudes
- Cannabis hearing rescheduled
Community Input
- PMC Bistro
- All Seasons: When you look up
- Gosh, I Didn’t See It, Officer
- Ready 4 Snow
- ‘Trump Tower’ Edited and Revised
- Hatred
- Comment by the Artist
Law Enforcement
News Briefs
- Join the Adventure
- A CHP ticket to make you smile
- Blood donor updates
- Slate forming for 2018 PMC ballot