Is the House Majority Leader Leading or Dodging?

510August 1, 2016
Dear Editor:

Today I tried to contact our Congressman Kevin McCarthy.

I called both the Washington D.C. and Bakersfield offices asking for some statement in reference to Gold Star families and how they should be treated when it comes to public speech.

In both cases I got nowhere. The Bakersfield office all but said nothing when I called, whereas the Washington office at least took my name and number, saying they would get back to me (but when?).

I then called The Bakersfield Californian, 23ABC Bakersfield and KUZZ-FM’s news departments asking them if they know of any comments Kevin may have made on this matter. All said ‘No.’ Two of them said they would look into it.

I further checked on the congressman’s website,, and his site, plus both his Facebook and Twitter pages. Again nothing.

Please note that McCarthy’s twitter handle is @GOP Leader, but in my opinion he does not seem to be leading, which seemed odd to me. It seems as if he is hiding or will follow others at some unknown point in the future.

While I have seen many other leading senators and congressman from the Republican party say, tweet or otherwise communicate something in support of Gold Star families recently, Kevin’s silence is deafening.

I really want to know what my congressman thinks on the subject. But he has been mute.

I fail to understand why he has not said anything.

I am now asking your paper to help get a comment on this subject from him.

This failure to comment is beginning to make it appear that Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy does not support Gold Star families.

For someone who will be on the ballot this November, and who wants “my vote” this year, this is not cool.

Any help in this matter that your paper can render would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

G. Rick
Frazier Park

Editor’s Note: We sent Mr. Rick’s letter to Congressman McCarthy to invite the U.S. House Majority Leader to comment. He did not reply by press time.

Our note to Congressman Kevin McCarthy ( bounced with the message that “the recipient’s mailbox is full and can’t accept messages now.”

We did not receive that message from his other email address which is Congressman Kevin McCarthy <>.

This is part of the August 5, 2016 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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