By Patric Hedlund, TME
A total of 2,620 parcels were eligible to vote in the Frazier Park Public Utility District rate increase protest election last week. ‘No’ votes could be mailed or placed by hand into the ‘protest’ box on Thursday, Dec. 8 at the Frazier Mountain Park Community Center.
About 30 people total settled on folding metal chairs by 6 p.m. for the protest meeting and…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)
Photo captions:
Far left: Rob Golden and Jane Scott with (left, below) Jackie and Donald Eubank and Ramon Love—all of Frazier Park—came to protest the water rate increase. Then worker Bill Wheeler and Manager Jonnie Allison showed them a twice-patched steel pipe, possibly 60 years old, replaced that day.
At the end (right) Donald Eubank and Diane Smallwood helped to count the protest votes as Director Rebecca Gipson watches. Tiffany Matte and another worker checked off parcel numbers as the customers read off the
protest votes.
Consultant John Van den Bergh faces angry Ramon Love as FPPUD Board President Brahma Neyman watches warily. Love said he is skeptical about the need to raise rates. It grew heated.
Director Lisa Schoenberg voted against the increase also.
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This is part of the December 16, 2016 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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