AARP Wants You to Be Their Valentine

By Maxine Jarvis

Come join us on Thursday, Feb. 6 at 12 noon for our February potluck.
Remember – bring your own table setup. Our speaker will be from Cottage Gardens, the new nursery in town.

When someone opens a new business in town, we should make every effort to support their endeavor. We have invited the people of Cottage Gardens to tell us about their nursery.  Likewise, we need you seniors to continue to support our local AARP Chapter.

Our mission is to serve our community and we need new members to help our chapter achieve our goals.  Just come to a meeting and you will see that we have a good time getting together with fellow seniors.

The food is always good too and we always have an interesting speaker or entertainment. We do have a good time getting together with our fellow members, so try us out.

Full Disclosure: We apologize to Maxine Jarvis and AARP, as their article did not get into the January 30 issue of The Mountain Enterprise this week. We will be there at the valentine’s potluck though, bringing the best homemade chocolate chip cookies you have ever tasted, and hope we will see you there too.—Patric Hedlund, Editor

This is part of the January 31, 2014 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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