By Patric Hedlund, TME
What happens after the big storm moves on? What is left behind? Beyond those giddy snow bunnies swarming across the hillsides and choking the roadways—what is happening in our own homes and neighborhoods? We bring you a series of small stories with big memories attached.
Joan Barker and her grandchildren, who live on Michigan Trail in Frazier Park, heard a terrifying explosion about 8:45 p.m. New Year’s night: “The whole house shook,” Barker said. The explosion “was on my grandchildren’s bedroom roof.” She was in shock, she recalls. Grandson Johnathan Jones, 8, was…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)
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Wind and snow brought down two trees on the home of Joan Barker, just off East End Drive in Frazier Park. Her grandson, Johnathan Jones, 8, tells of being scared by the ‘boom’ when the tree hit the roof.
Ned Kramer sent surprising photos of an igloo built by his son Josh and friend Ryan in the midst of the December 26 snowstorm.
Kristyna Dabkowski’s RAV4 got buried on Christmas night and was left off the side of Mil Potrero Highway
Photo from January 5
Photo from January 5
Residents of the shady side of Lake of the Woods were distressed by thick ice in their roads this week.
January 8: plows rolled into the shady, icy streets of LOW to dig out stranded residents. Cookies may have been involved.
Ned Kramer’s guest, Ryan, digging an igloo while it snowed on December 26, 2019, at the home on Yellowstone in Pine Mountain Club
‘They’d never seen a white Christmas before,’ Ned Kramer said of his son Josh and friend Ryan, who engineered and built a structurally strong igloo in the midst of the storm. ‘This is the first time any of our kids have seen snow. We are glad to have them, to show them the snow and the forest here,’ Kramer wrote.
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This is part of the January 10, 2020 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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