All Seasons broker asks actors to help her keep her real estate license

  • [photo by Russell Orrell]

    [photo by Russell Orrell]

By Patric Hedlund, TME

Local amateur actress Stacey Havener Hudson has a command performance this week in downtown Los Angeles.

She is scheduled to appear with Attorney Edward Lear before Administrative Law Judge John DeCure to answer charges filed against her by the California Bureau of Real Estate (BRE).

The judge will decide whether to revoke Havener’s real estate broker’s license.

The BRE is charging that Havener mismanaged customers’ trust funds, co-mingled homeowners’ money in the account used…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)

Photo captions:

David Mack and Stacey Havener in a Mountain Shakespeare Festival production. Havener is now fighting charges of willfull violation of law and mishandling of funds. Her real estate license may be revoked.

Above: On July 25, 2014 David I. holds check #1602 in the amount of $1,875 for return of his security deposit from Milton Hudson and Stacey Havener. That check bounced twice after he was assured by Hudson—who no longer had a real estate license—that the funds would be in the account to cover the payment. The home was rented by David and Jackie I. in Piñon Pines from All Seasons Property Management, a company name which was not legally registered with the California Bureau of Real Estate (CalBRE).

After an audit of Havener’s accounts, CalBRE charged that funds were not properly handled. The name of the company on the bounced check is “All Seasons Property Management,” which is not a legally registered real estate company. After David I. told them he was filing a complaint with the state, Hudson and Havener returned $1,675 in cash. The remaining $200 was not returned, according to the action filed against Havener in April.

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This is part of the November 18, 2016 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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