Image 1 of 5
Michelle Penner's Kindergarten Chorale went caroling througout Frazier Park on December 16, bringing cheer to the town.Image 2 of 5
Mary Bollman and Frazier Park Postmaser Kathy Gilbert come up for air amidst hundreds of packages.Image 3 of 5
The post office staff display their handiwork for Ugly Sweater Day (l-r) Patty Farner, Kathy Gilbert, Mary Bollman, Lily Bellah, Lori Woten and Vicki Durst.Image 4 of 5
Michelle Penner's Kindergarten carolers were given treats at Ace Hardware on the last day of school before the Christmas holiday.Image 5 of 5
Santas helper was out on Frazier Mountain Park Road in Lebec, directing shoppers to great holiday bargains.
Around Town…
Tis the Season
Michelle Penner’s Kindergarten Chorale went caroling througout Frazier Park on December 16, bringing cheer to the town. Santa’s helpers were busy on Frazier Mountain Park Road in Lebec, directing shoppers to great bargains.
To go to the post office during Christmas rush, meant taking your life in your hands. If anyone finds a postal worker under their tree on Christmas morning, please return to Frazier Park Post Office- no postage due.
See the photos above for more holiday fun.
This is part of the December 23, 2011 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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