Rumors have persisted for years. Finally, this week, local photographer Don Eubank brought in proof. This is his report, and he’s sticking to it.
By Don Eubank
Years ago, just before the Civil War here in the Fort Tejon area, Secretary of War Jefferson Davis thought camels could be better working animals for the Army in this area than horses. It was 1855, but he was already thinking outside of the box.
President James Buchanan appointed Edward Beale to manage the camels and their trainers (this is the same Beale who later became famous for acquiring several Spanish land grants to create Tejon Ranch for himself).
Twenty-five camels were used around Fort Tejon for many years. Much speculation has persisted about what happened to them.
Well, this fall, while I was covering all the lightning fires and the big one that followed, I caught sight of something I thought no one would believe. Finally, I got a clear shot. I spotted this camel up above Fire Station #57.
Just after I took this picture the camel got scared and ran away. I believe he came down from Frazier Mountain to get away from the fires and to find some water. Water troughs should be put out for this purpose. Unfortunately, in all the confusion of the Day fire evacuation, my camera memory stick got lost.
I found it this week, and wanted to share these other amazing discoveries with you too.
Twenty years ago my wife and I moved up here to Cuddy Valley, where Steinhoff and Darling make their way through the area. There were not as many homes then as now.
It was exciting to go for walks in the evenings and look at the bright stars in the sky. One night a very bright and fast streaking flash went across the sky. We thought it was a flying saucer. So far no one has doubted our story.
Then there was the time when we were coming out of Denny’s at the bottom of the Grapevine and what we thought were three jets flew overhead. They were going fast toward the mountains to the northeast. They lifted up over the peaks and then they just disappeared into nowhere. I scratched a bald spot onto my head over that one.
On my way into town last week, I got the shot in the photo above. Suddenly, there was no longer any mystery.
I’m pretty sure it was the Starship Enterprise heading for its satellite office in Frazier Park, where we’ve been told by the Editor that the crew of the mighty Enterprise are hard at work putting out this great newspaper.
You doubt me?
You never know what you are going to see driving along these country roads.
Did you see the peeping tom bear that is looking into the house down there in Lebec? I think he’s trying to see his favorite daytime soap opera TV shows, or maybe reruns of famous ESPN Cubs games.
You might be able to catch a glimpse yourself if you drive along Lebec Road, on past the clinic and paralleling the freeway, past Mabeleen’s. You can see him almost any day.
While we’re at it, Lorraine at the Castle told me she is pregnant. She won’t tell us when the baby is due. News flashes keep rolling out this week. Soon Frazier Park will incorporate and we will pave our trails and roads, the county will maintain the plowing beautifully and they will also plant trees and turn Frazier Park into an oasis that the camels will love.
In fact, ecotourists will come from all over the world just to see the Frazier Park Camels and the Peeping Tom Bear. If they are lucky, they may catch a glimpse of the Starship Enterprise dropping off the week’s newspapers. Your taxes will go down and the price of gasoline will drop down to 19 cents a gallon….
Dear friends, well I’ve had a little fun with you and fun writing these news clips. So now just remember the date…. Gotcha.
You have just taken my First Annual April Fool’s Tour Around Town. See you….around town,
Don Eubank
This is part of the March 30, 2007 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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