Image 1 of 2
Jon Lifquist encircled by politicians providing endorsements in his run for County Assessor, including Assemblywoman Shannon Grove and U.S. Congressman Kevin McCarthy. Current Assessor James Fitch also endorsed him—on his public office letterhead. Paul Stine provided a stack of emails and call records to show John Lifquist, who works in the Kern County Assessor's Office, has been using public resources to conduct his campaign for Assessor-Recorder.Image 2 of 2
Here, Stine indicates a call from Lifgrquist to a political campaign heavy-hitter in Kern County politics, Mark Abernathy. The call is being made during the work day from Lifquist's phone as a public employee in the Kern County Assessor's office.
BAKERSFIELD, CA (Thursday, May 29, 2014 at 2 p.m.)—Elections are Tuesday, June 3. It is likely that the front-runner for Kern County Assessor-Recorder did not adhere to state and county bans on using public resources for campaigning.
By Patric Hedlund—
Jon Lifquist wants you to elect him to serve as the next Kern County Assessor-Recorder. The Bakersfield politician is eager to have that position. Evidence released Wednesday, May 28 indicates he was so enthusiastic in his quest to be elected that he managed to let his eagerness spill over into the workplace of the assessor’s office where he reports proudly he has drawn a paycheck as a public civil service employee since 1985.
Mr. Lifquist appears to have ignored the laws of the state of California and the civil service rules of Kern County, which both prohibit use of public facilities and equipment for personal use, including political campaigning.
He has collected endorsements from current public officials, including Republican U.S. Congressman Kevin McCarthy, Assemblywoman Shannon Grove plus Supervisors Zack Scrivner and Mick Gleason. Current Assessor James Fitch also endorsed him—on his public office letterhead.
A Bakersfield resident named Paul Stine distributed a package of documents to Kern County news media last week.
In an interview, Stine said, “I heard about a month ago that Mr. Fitch (who is retiring) had used his official stationary to make a political endorsement. I’ve been a public school administrator. I know that is not right. I made a public records request.”
The results of Stine’s Public Records Act request for emails and telephone logs related to the upcoming election have created an “October Surprise” in May, on the eve of the Tuesday, June 3 election.
The contents of the telephone call records from the Kern County Assessor’s Office include a call to Kern County’s political kingmaker Mark Abernathy from Lifquist’s office telephone, Stine says, circling the date and time of the call.
Stine also points to Lifquist’s frequent use of the Kern County email system for discussing campaign strategies, campaign slogans and how to conduct his election night party—complete from decor (red, white and blue balloons) to menu (barbecue burgers and sausage).
A realtor mentions support for Lifquist’s campaign, while inviting the assessor-candidate to send his company new business. Very comfy indeed.
The Mountain Enterprise checked with Kern County’s Deputy County Counsel Devin Brown to confirm the authenticity of the information we received from Mr. Stine: “The records we provided are retrieved from the county computers,” Brown said in an interview Thursday, May 29, adding, “I can’t confirm whether those were sent from his office computer, but If he used his county assessor account it would route through the email server system of the county.”
Brown explained: “Mr. Stine [submitted] an initial request to search all emails of Mr. Lifquist and Ms. Esquivias (both are candidates and civil service employees), plus Mr. Fitch, the County Recorder (an elected public official). We worked with him to pare down that request to use keywords such as ‘campaign,’ ‘election,’ and ‘candidate.’ We then worked with the county’s IT (information technology) department to define the records to be retrieved, and they worked with the assessor’s office to secure those records.”
The Mountain Enterprise also asked what the county counsel’s procedure is in such a case. Do they alert the public employee regarding the laws of the state and the rules of the county about personal use of public resources? “If they ask us, we provide that information,” Brown replied. He said he did not recall that some of the emails contain URLs that go directly to the state law that are being broken by the majority of the campaign-related emails.
The full California Government Code section on these questions is at the end of this posting, so scroll down to see it. Here is a small excerpt:
a) It is unlawful for any elected state or local officer, including any state or local appointee, employee, or consultant, to use or permit others to use public resources for a campaign activity, or personal or other purposes which are not authorized by law.
The primary question this all raises is whether the entire culture of Kern County government administrators and politicians is way too comfy with self-dealing using taxpayer resources. Of course the second question taxpayers might ask is if it is wise to elect people who appear comfortable knowingly breaking the law.
Here are the records. Have a look for yourself. We’d like to hear from you about your opinions on the matter. Mr. Lifquist, Mr. Abernathy and Mr. Fitch are invited to comment.
Scan through the results from public records request to the Kern County Assessors Office. At the end is the California Government Code about use of public assets for personal use:
It was strange that I told Burger yesterday morning that it is my understanding that Johnson failed to file his campaign statement by 5 pm. He stated oh no he filed and it was even before Lifquist statement was filed. Sounds really fishy.
Connected by Motorola
4/30/2014 8:30AM
De Minimis use of public resources for campaign purposes§ionNum=8314.
5/1/2014 10:54 AM
Fwd: Campaign Newsletter
»>Russell Johnson for Assessor 2014 <> 5/1/2014 10:53 AM
( http://r20. rs6. net/tn.jsp?f=001_g 1 QmpQ07 aDOGC7 nvKmxNujUr9E68xKQz-vQ_ VdftoWy ZN6tVFh6-
_1 T5k3E46xR6zKpnlwob3tm 7QHnOcHnb-lfWD9Y &c= 725Bu_gd7CenwbtBPNiR_
Campaign Newsletter
May 1, 2014
Precinct Walk
Saturday, May 3 at 9am
Come help get the word out about Russell Johnson by walking
precincts with us this Saturday, May 3 at 9am. We will be meeting at
the northeast corner of Chester Ave. and 17th Street in front of the
Haberfelde Building.
Evening Reception Fundraiser
Friends and supporters enjoyed a great evening at the home of Terry
and Roxanne Delamater in River Bluffs Greens Gated Community on
the Kern River in northern Bakersfield. We could not have asked for a
more beautiful evening.
Over 100 people attended the evening reception last Thursday. They
were able to dine on a delicious meal catered by Champs BBQ and
listen as Russell Johnson outlined his plan for the office of the Kern
County Assessor-Recorder. Russell stressed the importance of having
an Assessor who works for the taxpayers as well as the need for
improved technology in the Assessor’s office to ensure we can move
the office into the 21st century and move toward digital files and away
from paper files. It was a great opportunity for supporters to come
together, discuss the issues, and rally behind their candidate.
Thank you to everyone who donated or volunteered to make this night
possible. To learn more about Russell’s plan for the AssessorRecorder’s
office, go to (
http://r20. rs6. net/tn.jsp?f=001_g 1 QmpQ07 aDOGC7nvKmxN uj Ur9E68
xKQz-vQ_ VdftoWy_ZN6tVFh6-
LnxQOKffx_n31 gRPIGnZxBfBqesgcQ7y62V4nJUghjpg5igFA-
1 T5k3E46xR6zKpnLwob3tm7QHn0cHnblfWD9Y
Left to right: Former Supervisor Jon McQuiston; Supervisor Leticia
Perez, Chair of the Board; Candidate Russell Johnson; Supervisor
Mike Maggard
Treasurer-Tax Collector-Elect Jordan Kaufman with Russell Johnson
Yard Signs- Show Your Support
Our yard signs are now available. Show your support and help Russell
Johnson get elected to the Kern County Assessor-Recorder by placing
a yard sign on your property. To receive your yard sign, contact
Russell at (661) 203-1838.
Russell Johnson
http://r20.rs6. netltn.jsp?f=001_g 1 QmpQ07aDOGC7nvKmxNuj Ur9E68
xKQz-vQ_ VdftoWy ZN6tVFh6-
LnxQOKffx_n31 gRPIGnZxBfBqesgcQ7y62V4nJUghjpg5igFA-
1 T5k3E46xR6zKpnlwob3tm7QHn0cHnblfWD9Y
Visit our Website ( QmpQ07aDOGC7nvKmxNujUr9E68
xKQz-vQ_ VdftoWy_ZN6tVFh6-
LnxQOKffx_n31 gRPIGnZxBfBqesgcQ7y62V4nJUghjpg5igFA-
8f dxXNuCurdeZF4 8ud06z3zJEbMvQkW- – –
ch= Fj Rj28S8 NTWe93g M8 FRbg HGiwnA4Br4CCQXm4AI17mPWfjOfoUEw==
Paid for by Russell Johnson for Assessor-Recorder 2014
Forward this email ( 07084117&ea=ansolabe%40co.kern.c
O-c5bb-11 e3-88bf-d4ae527536d1 &ca=4eb1 cc9f-984d-47ae-9435-834495ad01 cO ) ( )
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Russell Johnson for Assessor 20141 P.O. Box 26641 Bakersfield 1 CA I 93303
“Kern County Elections” <>
<fitch@co. kern. ca. us>
4/30/2014 8:20 AM
Kern County Campaign Filing
Attached is the requested campaign filing.
To: James Burger
Date: 5/27/2014 9:45AM
Subject: Re: Burger
I went down there this morning and got a copy of the cover page for his initial faxed filing. The date/time on the fax was 6:33pm May 22, 2014. The elections department stamped it in the next morning as “2014 MAY 23 AM 6:51”
»>James Burger <> 5/27/2014 9:40AM»>
Anthony. I called elections Friday right before 5 and was told Russell Johnson had filed. They may have
misspoke about who had filed or i may have misunderstood.
On Monday, May 26, 2014, ANTHONY ANSOLABEHERE <> wrote:
I waited at elections until closing time, Johnson did not file his papers on the due date. He faxed them in at 6:30 pm. That filing does not meet the legal requirements. He is required to personally deliver one original and one copy. That did not happen until the next morning.
He missed the filing date, and also failed to file all the 497 reports he was required to file.
»>JAMES FITCH<> 05/24/14 11:03 AM»>
It was strange that I told Burger yesterday morning that it is my understanding that Johnson failed to file his campaign statement by 5 pm. He stated oh no he filed and it was even before Lifquist statement
was filed. Sounds really fishy.
Connected by Motorola
I (5/28/2014) JONATHON LIFQUIST – Page iJ
Date: 3/15/2014 2:24PM
Attachments: Statement.docx; Original.docx
[{5128/2014) JONATHON LIFQUIST- Draft – Statement
3/4/2014 8:21 AM
Draft — Statement
The formatting is off, but more importantly, I’d like to get any suggestions you might have.
Page 1 J
I (5/28/2014) JONAIHON LlFQUIST – Election night
5/16/2014 8:54AM
Election night
Here’s my thoughts for your election night party.
Your daughters decorate the house and back yard with r/w/b balloons, streamers etc.
Start the BBQ at 6 and people can eat willy nilly around 7. Nothing formal, burgers, dogs, sausage etc.
First results appear at 8:00 and that should give a good indication of how things are going to go.
Probably hang around till 9:00 esh and start clearing out.
Let me know what I can do to help!
Page 1 J
[l£28/2014) JONATHON LIFQUIST – Fwd: Campaign Newsletter
I (5/28/2014) JONATHON UFQUIST- FYI Election info
5/16/2014 8:44AM
FYI Election info
>»Karen Rhea 5/16/2014 8:39AM>»
At 8 p.m. on Election night we tally the results of the vote by mail ballots that we have processed to date.
The report that is displayed shortly after the polls close, includes those vote by mail and mail ballot only
precinct ballots. As ballots are delivered from the polls on that evening we tally those and provide hourly
updates. We tally poll ballots for all precincts and include those results in the unofficial final at the end of
the night. As you know there are provisional ballots cast at the polls and vote by mail ballots dropped
there during polling hours for return to our office. We process those during the canvass. Generally, the
vote by mail totals are complete and included in our first update on that Friday. Depending upon the
number of provisional ballots cast we may have one or multiple updates during their processing. What
most people fail to understand is that the results aren’t final until we certify the election and that is usually
28 days following election day when we have completed all of the required reconciliation, manual hand
tally and equipment certifications. Ahhh … if only we could just work the two days every other year that
people think we do. 😉
»>JOHN DIAL 5/16/2014 7:04AM>»
Karen explain to me how votes are counted on election day. When (time) are the absentee ballots
counted and posted? Precincts? What I want to know is when does the vote count start showing for the
county elections and typically when are all the votes counted?
John Dial
>»Karen Rhea 5/15/2014 4:22PM>»
»>JOHN DIAL 5/15/2014 4:19PM»>
No problem, I completely understand and will remain available in the future.
»>Karen Rhea 5/15/2014 4:17PM»>
Sorry, John. I believe it is for the best but believe me we are sorry to have to replace you. Please save
the date for us in the future.
»>JOHN DIAL 5/15/2014 4:16PM»>
John Dial
»>Karen Rhea 5/15/2014 4:13PM>»
Sent on behalf of Mary Bedard:
As two of the three candidates for Assessor in the June 3rd Primary Election are current employees of the
Assessor’s Office, I have made the decision not to have employees of the Assessor’s Office serve on
precinct boards for this election. While I am certain that you would execute your duties with the honor and
ethics required, I want to prevent any possible perception of impropriety. I apologize for any
inconvenience this may cause you. Should the Primary result in a runoff in the November General
Election, we would maintain this restriction. However, I hope that we will be able to count on your valued
assistance for future elections. Should you have questions, please contact Karen Rhea at 868-3717.
Page 1 I
Mary B. Bedard, CPA
Kern County Auditor-Controller-County Clerk
1115 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301
J (5/28/2014) JONATHON LIFQUlST- Page
3/18/2014 9:39AM
Page 1 J
I (5/28/2014) JONATHON LIFQUIST- Press Release Page 1 I
To: Heather Bullard
Date: 4/28/2014 10:55 AM
Subject: Press Release
Attachments: fitch .docx
Let’s do this thing. Need to put it on my letter head.
~28/2014) JONATHON LIFQUIST- Re: 310 Oleander
4/28/2014 10:03 AM
Re: 310 Oleander
I don’t know anyone offhand, but I’ll keep my ears open. Thanks for putting up my signs.
>»KENNETH WHITE 4/28/2014 9:58AM>»
Hi Jon,
As I help spread the word about your candidacy, please help us in return-perhaps you know someone who loves old homes who is looking to buy. Have them give Diane a call. We’ll make sure the escrow is long enough so your sign stays up through the election!
By the way, John Nilon (who lives across the street on Oleander) really enjoyed meeting you a few days back.
ria=&CurrentSID= 142597856&MLS Origin=BAK
Page 1j
J (5/28/2014) JONATHON UFQUIST – RE: Campaign Slogan
Lifquist, Alan
3/19/2014 10:23 AM
RE: Campaign Slogan
Padre at 4:00 sounds good. Let me know.
»>Alan Lifquist <> 3/19/2014 8:37AM»>
That sounds great! Time to do some fund raising. Whoever Abernathy backs usually wins. You are talking to people who know way more about this than I do so do what they say. I’m sure Bryan Batey would like to talk to you. He is loaded and seems to have allot of political clout and knowledge. He was at Moms funeral. Brad Wheelan, Brian Batey, Mike Willis and Dan Byrum all meet at the Padre every Wednesday @ 4:00 for beer. I might be able to get down there and talk to them if you want. I also had a thought about putting your cards “Lifquist- the qualified candidate” on car windshields at shopping centers. Is this legal? a good idea?
Alan Lifquist
Merriman Hurst and Associates
Appraisal, Brokerage, Consulting
Certified General Appraiser
Licensed Real Estate Broker
140 S. Montclair St. Ste C
Bakersfield CA, 93309
Tel. 661-832-3768
Fax. 661-310-2103
Cel. 661-303-6203
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 07:55:57-0700
Subject: RE: Campaign Slogan
Page 11
I (5/28/2014) JONATHON LIFQUIST – RE: Campaign Slogan
Zack Scrivener is suggesting that I talk with Abernathy, who is one of lack’s backers. Problem is, he’s talking about going into debt to the tune of about $60,000 to bring Abernathy in. Jim Fitch and Tony
Ansolabehere are talking with Gene Tackett, who worked with Jim in the past. I’m going to ask them this morning what the situation is.
>»Alan Lifquist <> 3/18/2014 12:05 PM»>
I also though allot of Carls Idea to print that on a card and hand those out. You are going to have to meet allot of people and move through them very fast. Your qualifications are your strong point not gabbing
and social networking. I hope your campaign manager has allot of opportunities scheduled to present your strong points to the public.
I also wanted to know in Abernaty is backing Johnson? If not you definitely want to see him.
Alan Lifquist
Merriman Hurst and Associates
Appraisal, Brokerage, Consulting
Certified General Appraiser
Licensed Real Estate Broker
140 S. Montclair St. Ste C
Bakersfield CA, 93309
Tel. 661-832-3768
Fax. 661-310-2103
Cel. 661-303-6203
This message may contain confidential or proprietary information intended only for the use of the addressee(s) named above or may contain information that is legally privileged. If you are not the intended addressee, or the person responsible for delivering it to the intended addressee, you are hereby notified that reading, disseminating, distributing or copying this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message by mistake, please immediately notify us by
replying to the message and delete the original message and any copies immediately thereafter.
Please consider the environment before printing this email. Thank you
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 09:37:52-0700
Subject: Re: Campaign Slogan
I thought of that yesterday when I was swimming and got a call, when I got home, from one of the local politicians recommending that as a campaign slogan as well. Pretty funny.
Page 2j
j (5/28/2014) JONATHON UFQUIST- RE: Campal~gn Slogan
»>Alan Lifquist <> 3/18/2014 9:34AM>»
Jon Lifquist- the qualified candidate.
Alan Lifquist
Merriman Hurst and Associates
Appraisal, Brokerage, Consulting
Certified General Appraiser
Licensed Real Estate Broker
140 S. Montclair St. Ste C
Bakersfield CA, 93309
Tel. 661-832-3768
Fax. 661-310-2103
Cel. 661-303-6203
Page 3 )
I (5/28/2014) JONATHON LIFQUIST- RE: Campaign Slogan
Lifquist, Alan
3/19/2014 7:55AM
RE: Campaign Slogan
Zack Scrivener is suggesting that I talk with Abernathy, who is one of Zack’s backers. Problem is, he’s talking about going into debt to the tune of about $60,000 to bring Abernathy in. Jim Fitch and Tony
Ansolabehere are talking with Gene Tackett, who worked with Jim in the past. I’m going to ask them this morning what the situation is.
»>Alan Lifquist <> 3/18/2014 12:05 PM»>
I also though allot of Carls Idea to print that on a card and hand those out. You are going to have to meet allot of people and move through them very fast. Your qualifications are your strong point not gabbing
and social networking. I hope your campaign manager has allot of opportunities scheduled to present your strong points to the public.
I also wanted to know in Abernaty is backing Johnson? If not you definitely want to see him.
Alan Lifquist
Merriman Hurst and Associates
Appraisal, Brokerage, Consulting
Certified General Appraiser
Licensed Real Estate Broker
140 S. Montclair St. Ste C
Bakersfield CA, 93309
Tel. 661-832-3768
Fax. 661-310-2103
Cel. 661 -303-6203
Page 2j
I (5/28/2014) JONATHON LIFQU IST- RE: Campaign Slogan
Lifquist, Alan
3/19/2014 10:41 AM
RE: Campaign Slogan
I think I’d like to go, if they are meeting. This isn’t a good email to use though, for anything campaign related. Text or phone call is best.
>»Alan Lifquist <> 3/19/2014 10:35 AM»>
I’m checking to see I they will be there. If so do you want to go over there or have me. I don’t see any reason for both of us to go.
Alan Lifquist
Merriman Hurst and Associates
Appraisal, Brokerage, Consulting
Certified General Appraiser
Licensed Real Estate Broker
140 S. Montclair St. Ste C
Bakersfield CA, 93309
Tel. 661-832-3768
Fax. 661-310-2103
Cel. 661-303-6203
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 10:23:48 -0700
Subject: RE: Campaign Slogan
Padre at 4:00 sounds good. Let me know.
>»Alan Lifquist <> 3/19/2014 8:37AM>»
That sounds great! Time to do some fund raising. Whoever Abernathy backs usually wins. You are talking to people who know way more about this than I do so do what they say. I’m sure Bryan Batey would like to talk to you. He is loaded and seems to have allot of political clout and knowledge. He was at Moms
funeral. Brad Wheelan, Brian Batey, Mike Willis and Dan Byrum all meet at the Padre every Wednesday
@ 4:00 for beer. I might be able to get down there and talk to them if you want.
I also had a thought about putting your cards II Lifquist- the qualified candidate II on car windshields at
shopping centers. Is this legal? a good idea?
Alan Lifquist
Merriman Hurst and Associates
Appraisal, Brokerage, Consulting
Certified General Appraiser
Licensed Real Estate Broker
140 S. Montclair St. Ste C
Bakersfield CA, 93309
Tel. 661-832-3768
Fax. 661-310-2103
Gel. 661-303-6203
Lifquist, Alan
3/19/2014 10:44 AM
RE: Campaign Slogan
>»Alan Lifquist <> 3/19/2014 10:44 AM»>
Ill see if they will be there and ask Brad if its alright for you to come and talk to them.
Alan Lifquist
Merriman Hurst and Associates
Appraisal, Brokerage, Consulting
Certified General Appraiser
Licensed Real Estate Broker
140 S. Montclair St. Ste C
Bakersfield CA, 93309
Tel. 661-832-3768
Fax. 661-310-2103
Cel. 661-303-6203
Lifquist, Alan
3/17/2014 10:23 AM
Re: I made some revisions.
There’s no attachment.
»>Alan Lifquist <> 3/17/2014 10:01 AM»>
John: latter on when you get some time take a close look at this and run it by your campaign people. A version of this is probably what Ill post on Facebook. Hopefully I can get some people to pass it around
for me.
Alan Lifquist
Merriman Hurst and Associates
Appraisal, Brokerage, Consulting
Certified General Appraiser
Licensed Real Estate Broker
140 S. Montclair St. Ste C
Bakersfield CA, 93309
Tel. 661-832-3768
Fax. 661-310-2103
Gel. 661-303-6203
My name is Jon Lifquist and I am a candidate for Assessor-Recorder. I was born in
Bakersfield and raised around the Real estate industry. My father, Ken Lifquist, a real
estate salesman and developer, worked for Elmer F. Karpe Real Estate for over 40
years. I graduated from West High School and Cal State Bakersfield and worked in fee
appraisal before starting at the Kern County Assessor’s Office in 1985. I have worked in
the Residential, Commercial and Agricultural Divisions. As Supervisor of the Residential
Division during the market decline, beginning in 2008, I supervised the yearly review
and value adjustment on over 100,000 residential properties. As the current Chief of
Assessment Standards, I represent the Assessor’s Office on assessment appeals and I
am responsible for creating the multiple regression analysis, whereby the Assessor’s
Office conducts a yearly review of values on all residential property.
I am a strong advocate of California’s Proposition 13, which I believe established a
reasonable and predictable basis for property assessment, and wish to see it
maintained in its current and original form. I am a member of the Howard Jarvis
Taxpayers Association, and a proud member of the Bakersfield East Rotary Club.
I was born in Bakersfield and raised around the real estate industry; my father, Ken
Lifquist, was a salesman and developer, working for Karpe Real Estate for over 40
years. I graduated from West High and Cal State Bakersfield. After starting in fee
appraisal, I was hired by the Kern County Assessor’s Office in 1985. I have worked in
the Residential, Commercial and Agricultural Divisions. As Supervisor of the Residential
Division during the market decline, beginning in 2008, I supervised the yearly review
and value adjustment on over 100,000 residential properties. As the current Chief of
Assessment Standards, I represent the Assessor’s Office on assessment appeals and I
am responsible for creating the multiple regression analysis, whereby the Assessor’s
Office conducts a yearly review of values on residential property.
My name is Jon Lifquist and I am a candidate for Assessor-Recorder. I was born in
Bakersfield and raised around the Real estate industry. My father, Ken Lifquist,
salesman and developer, worked for Elmer F. Karpe Real Estate for over 40 years. I
graduated from West High School and Cal State Bakersfield and worked in fee
appraisal before starting at the Kern County Assessor’s Office in 1985.
My name is Jon Lifquist and I am a candidate for Assessor-Recorder. I was born and
raised in Bakersfield, graduating from West High School and Cal State Bakersfield and
began my career in fee appraisal before starting at the Kern County Assessor’s Office in
1985. My appraisal experience extends to residential, commercial, agricultural and oil
and gas properties. As Supervisor of the Residential Division during the market peak
and decline during the last decade, I supervised a relatively novice staff through record
workloads the yearly review and value adjustment on over 100,000 residential
properties. As the current Chief of Assessment Standards, I represent the Assessor’s
Office on assessment appeals and am responsible for creating the multiple regression
analysis, whereby the Assessor’s Office conducts a yearly review of values on all
residential property.
I am a strong advocate of California’s Proposition 13, which established a reasonable
and predictable basis for property assessment, and wish to see the law maintained in its
original form. I am a member of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and a proud
member of the Bakersfield East Rotary Club.
With the ultimate responsibility for the accurate annual assessment of billions of dollars in property and
the correct recordation of hundreds of thousands of legal documents, the Assessor-Recorder is a
position requiring dedication, knowledge, experience, and integrity. With an assessment roll of nearly
$200 billion dollars comprising hundreds of thousands of diverse property types, Kern County, in
particular, requires a competent and knowledgeable administrator in the position of Assessor-Recorder.
Kern County, typically ranked second or third in agricultural production in the state, also has a high
percentage of its land administered under the Williamson Act- which prescribes a legal and sometimes
complex formula for valuing agricultural acreage- promoting the preservation of farm and ranch land.
Kern County saw the greatest increase in housing prices during the housing boom of the last decade and
experienced one of the greatest declines following the bust. Kern County was the first county to take
proactive measures to reduce residential assessments as the housing crash became apparent. As market
values dropped, bottomed then steadily recovered, the Assessor’s Office undertook the task of annually
reviewing the assessed value of hundreds of thousands of residential properties, an unprecedented and
overwhelming assignment, taken on without any increase in budget, staff or support. In a recent
statewide audit, Kern County was ranked second in the state for efficiency.
As the county with greatest annual revenue from oil producing properties and largest acreage devoted
to wind energy, Kern County is unique in the State of California and takes the lead roll among all
counties in the valuation of these complex properties- training other counties in the processing of
revenue streams for oil and gas properties, leading committees responsible for the determination of oil
and gas prices and the capitalization rate used in the yearly valuation of all oil properties throughout the
state, and working with the State Board of Equalization to determine the correct application of the law
regarding the valuation of wind properties.
At the request of the taxpayer, the Assessor’s Office will review the assessment on any parcel to
determine if a reduction in value is appropriate for a given tax year. Because numerous appeals are filed
each year by taxpayers unaware that this service is available, the majority of assessment appeals are
resolved- often in favor of the taxpayer- by a simple appraisal review. Many appeals, however, involve
complex issues regarding disagreements in the correct method of valuation or interpretation of the law.
Kern County has one of the highest success rates in the state defending the values that the assessor
deems correct.
The citizens of Kern County have the serious responsibility to elect a qualified candidate, free from selfserving
motives or the outside influence of corporate or political interests, an honest and capable
administrator of managing this complex enterprise.
I believe that my experience, and training, as an appraiser and manager make me uniquely qualified for
the office of Kern County Assessor-Recorder. Starting as an Associate Appraiser, manning the Ridgecrest
field office in 1985, I worked my way through the ranks to my current position as Chief Appraiser.
Adding to my several years working as a fee appraiser, my appraisal experience with the county extends
to residential, commercial, agricultural and oil and gas properties.
I have individually trained a good portion of the current appraisal staff while holding the responsibility
for all residential assessment appeals, supervising and undertaking a large role in the yearly reappraisal
of over one hundred thousand residential properties recovering from the catastrophic market decline of
the last decade.
My recent roles include the administration of all assessment appeals and the yearly creation of a market
derived computer model for the correct valuation of residential properties. Kern County is the only
county in the state that has successfully implemented a valuation model using comparable sales rather
than the less accurate method of indexing property values.
Assessor’s Office employees hold an exceptional responsibility, representing the interests of the State of
California, the County of Kern, and- most importantly- the taxpayer, in the correct and legal valuation
of all real and personal property within Kern County. All desire and expect diligence, competence and
courtesy from Assessor’s Office employees. I have never require less from those that work for me but
neither have I ever asked for more than I am willing to give myself.
I am a strong advocate of California’s Proposition 13, which established a reasonable and predictable
basis for property assessment, and wish to see the law maintained its original form. I am a member of
the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and a member of the Bakersfield East Rotary Club.
My name is Jon Lifquist, and I’m running for Kern County Assessor-Recorder. If you’re looking for a hardworking,
proven, and knowledgeable administrator as Assessor-Recorder, I believe that I represent the
logical choice for Assessor-Recorder this June.
On June 3rd the citizens of Kern County will be selecting an appraiser for property tax purposes
to lead the Assessor-Recorder’s Office. t Jim Fitch, am pleased to announce my endorsement of
Jon Lifquist for the position of Kern County Assessor-Recorder.
It has been said that the Assessor does not perform appraisals. Nothing could be further from
the truth. As Assessor, billion dollar value decisions regularly cross my desk. I am the one who
makes the final decision concerning facts, evidence and correct appraisal practices. I am also
responsible for correctly administrating California’s complex property tax laws. The final
decision rests with me and I sign these appraisals.
I have relied daily on my experience, training, education, many classes and numerous
workshops I have attended to help me make these critical value conclusions. Jon Lifquist has
had this same training and experience which will enable him to perform these same duties.
Jon Lifquist has had an outstanding 25 year career in the Assessor-Recorder’s Office. He is part
of the management team that has provided excellent customer service. His team recognized
the recent residential bust that started in 2006. Kern was the first county in the California to
adjust residential property values downward and continued these reductions for the following
years. These necessary adjustments save many of our residential property owners thousands of
dollars and collectively saved Kern’s property owners millions of dollars in property taxes.
Jon Lifquist was part of the management team that was audited by an outside independent
firm. This firm determined the use of budgeted dollars and the effectiveness ofthe AssessorRecorder
Office’s ability to timely complete their tasks. It was determined the Kern County
Assessor-Recorder was number two in the state for its efficiency.
Jon Lifquist is part ofthe management team that is regularly challenged by large property
owners before the Assessment Appeals Board and the court system. These appeals are difficult
and deal with complex issues. With Mr. Lifquist’s substantial contribution to this process, the office has done an outstanding job in defending its assessments.
Jon Lifquist is part of the management team that has created one of the most modern AssessorRecorder Offices in the state, through system development and automation.
Mr. Lifquist has had an outstanding career within the Assessor-Recoder’s Office. He will make an outstanding Assessor-Recorder.
Kern County Search Criteria 5/27/2014 11:15:47 AM PDT
Previous Page Next Page Page 1 of3 e First Page Last Page
Start Date/Time i.. Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code DialedlCL.I Call Destination Call Tll:ee Cost
1/2/2014 7:21:48 AM 00:00:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-863–8000 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/2/2014 7:32:42 AM 00:00:18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr Incoming $0.00
1/2/2014 7:43:48 PM 00:00:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-631-0333 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/3/2014 8:29:54 AM 00:00:06 83315 !Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
1/3/2014 8:40:48 AM 00:04:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Incoming CA $0.00
1/3/2014 9:02:36 AM 00:01:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 562-424-6400 CLOA NG BEACH, Incoming $0.00
1/3/2014 10:51:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
1/3/2014 10:51:36 AM 00:02:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629
CA Local $0.10
1/3/2014 1:49:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-0514 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
1/3/2014 2:14:18 PM 00:06:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.22
1/3/2014 3:09:30 PM 00:01:30 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/3/2014 7:49:48 PM 00:00:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 559-275-0328 FRESNO, CA Incoming $0.00
1/4/2014 9:34:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-631-0333 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/4/2014 11:55:54 AM 00:00: 06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-631-0333 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/6/2014 11:31:06 AM 00:00:54 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 322-8834 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
1/6/2014 1:25:06 PM 00:01:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 562-424-6400 LONG BEACH, Incoming $0.00
1/6/2014 1:26:18 PM 00:00:42 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 832-7396 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.04
1/6/2014 3:28:30 PM 00:00:30 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 283-1717 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
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Counsel Page 2 of 12
Start Date/Time ~ Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Dialed ltLI tall De&tioatiao tall lltRiil .tas1
1/6/2014 5:43:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-631-0333 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/6/2014 8:45:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-631-0333 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/7/2014 9:12:00 AM 00:07:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-847-1821
CA Incoming $0.00
1/7/2014 2:30:18 PM 00:00:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 340-1407 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
1/7/2014 2:38:36 PM 00:08:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 760-373-8548 CALIF CllY, CA Incoming $0.00
1/7/2014 3:27:48 PM 00:04:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 340-1407 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.16
1/7/2014 4:10:54 PM 00:00:06 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-654-7054
Incoming $0.00 CA
1/7/2014 4:11:18 PM 00:00:42 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 979-5930 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
1/8/2014 10:52:18 AM 00:00:42 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-837-6054 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
1/8/2014 3:52:18 PM 00:00:42 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-631-5920 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/8/2014 6:11:18 PM 00:01:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-631-0333 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/9/2014 11:52:42 AM 00:07: 18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
Toll Free $0.00
1/9/2014 12:07:06 PM 00:02:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.08
1/9/2014 3:51:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-322-4673 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/10/2014 1:26:30 PM 00:00:30 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
1/10/2014 3:24:42 PM 00:00:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
1/13/2014 10:34:06 AM 00:00:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 760-373-2522 CALIF CllY, CA Incoming $0.00
1/14/2014 5:58:30 AM 00:00: 30 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr Incoming $0.00
1/14/2014 7:39:24 AM 00:00: 36 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr Incoming $0.00
1/14/2014 7:50:54 AM 00:00:06 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr Incoming $0.00
1/14/2014 7:53:24 AM 00:00:36 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr Incoming $0.00
1/14/2014 8:04:54 AM 00:00:06 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr Incoming $0.00
1/14/2014 8:56:00 AM 00:01:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4042 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/14/2014 11:10:36 AM 00:00:24 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
1/14/2014 12:54:54 PM 00:01:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 617-755-2484 BOSTON,MA Incoming $0.00
1/15/2014 8:02:36 AM 00:00:24 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4043 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/15/2014 9:11:54 AM 00:00:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr
1-805-654- VENTURA E, CA In-State $0.03
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Counsel Page 3 of 12
Start Date/Time .a Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code DiilledlCU Cilll Destioiltiao Cilll I~pe .cast
1/15/2014 9:13:00 AM 00:04:00 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 1-805-850- VENTURA E, CA In-State $0.10
1/15/2014 9:46:54 AM 00:00:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
1/15/2014 10:45:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
1/15/2014 10:45:00 AM 00:01:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629
BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
1/15/2014 2:54:24 PM 00:00:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
1/15/2014 3:06:48 PM 00:05:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 805-5116
BAKERFLD S, CA Local $0.19
1/15/2014 3:45:48 PM 00:03:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 805-5116
BAKERFLD S, Local $0.13
1/15/2014 4:21:54 PM 00:08:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
1/15/2014 4:47:24 PM 00:08:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 747-6537 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.28
1/15/2014 5:40:06 PM 00:00:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629
BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
1/15/2014 5:48:00 PM 00:03: 00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-877-704- Toll Free $0.00
1/15/2014 5:50:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629
Incoming $0.00
1/15/2014 6:01:30 PM 00:00:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629
Incoming $0.00
1/16/2014 8:23:30 AM 00:01:30 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-706-0402 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/16/2014 1:05:36 PM 00:00:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-760-373- CALIF CITY, CA In-State $0.03
1/16/2014 2:19:18 PM 00:00:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 760-373-2522 CALIF CITY, CA Incoming $0.00
1/16/2014 3:37:36 PM 00:01:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629 CBAA KERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
1/16/2014 3:58:36 PM 00:00:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-949-500- NEWPORTBCH, In-State $0.03
0767 CA
1/16/2014 3:59:18 PM 00:00:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-707-963- ST HELENA, CA In-State $0.03
1/16/2014 4:01:12 PM 00:09:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe
1-805-354- SANTAMARIA,
assr In-State $0.24 3326 CA
1/16/2014 5:43:48 PM 00:01:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629 Local $0.06
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Counsel Page 4 of 12
Start Date/Time £i. Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Diilll:d l!:LI tall D~:stioatiao Call IltPI: .!:g.sJ:
1/16/2014 6:41:54 PM 00:01:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629
CA Incoming $0.00
1/17/2014 11:59:00 AM 00:00:00 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
1/17/2014 11:59:48 AM 00:00:12 83315 !Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
1/17/2014 12:17:24 PM 00:01:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629 CBAA KERFLD S, Local $0.07
1/17/2014 12:33:54 PM 00:00:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
1/17/2014 1:14:00 PM 00:01:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629
Incoming $0.00
1/17/2014 3:20:30 PM 00:05:30 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 1-877-313- Toll Free $0.00
1/21/2014 10:12:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-702-567- LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.03
1/21/2014 10:13:54 AM 00: 00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-702-561- LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.03
1/21/2014 10:14:42 AM 00:01:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-3182
Local $0.07
1/21/2014 10:42:42 AM 00:10:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 770-403-3362 ATLANTA E, GA Incoming $0.00
1/21/2014 11:16:30 AM 00:00:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-866-630- Toll Free $0.00
1/21/2014 11:33:24 AM 00:00:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-702-561- LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.03
1/21/2014 11:35:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 873-0412 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
1/21/2014 11:53:42 AM 00:01:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629 CBAA KERFLD S, Local $0.07
1/21/2014 3:15:36 PM 00:01:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629
CA Local $0.07
1/21/2014 3:47:24 PM 00:00:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.04
1/21/2014 3:48:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.00
1/21/2014 3:50:54 PM 00:00: 06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.03
1/21/2014 3:52:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.00
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Counsel Page 5 of 12
Start Date/Time ~ Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Diahi::d li:LI tall Destination taii:Upe ~
1/21/2014 6:42:36 PM 00:01:24 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4043 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/22/2014 12:29:30 AM 00: 00:30 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4042 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/22/2014 7:58:42 AM 00:00:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
1/22/2014 2:53:18 PM 00:01:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-415-989- SFCZ 1A, CA In-State $0.05
1/22/2014 3:23:06 PM 00:20:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.50
1/22/2014 4:18:00 PM 00:00:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-319-6113 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/23/2014 7:24:18 AM 00:00:42 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-319-6113 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/23/2014 12:21:54 PM 00:00:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
1/23/2014 12:36:54 PM 00:01:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe
assr RESEDA,CA In-State $0.05
1/23/2014 12:49:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-900-5698 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/23/2014 1:26:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-322-4673 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/23/2014 2:27:54 PM 00:00: 06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-322-4673 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/23/2014 2:57:48 PM 00:00:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
1/23/2014 3: 34: 12 PM 00:00:48 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 1-800-445- Toll Free $0.00
1/23/2014 3:38:42 PM 00:07:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr
1-800-445- Toll Free $0.00 8667
1/23/2014 4:49:12 PM 00:01:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 322-4673 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
1/23/2014 4:51:54 PM 00:05:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 324-6593 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.19
1/24/2014 10:46:24 AM 00: 02: 36 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 589-5154 BAKERFLD N, Local $0.10
1/24/2014 1:27:36 PM 00:01:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 559-709-8556 FRESNO, CA Incoming $0.00
1/25/2014 8:05:18 AM 00:01:42 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4042 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/27/2014 7:25:36 AM 00:00:24 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-863-8000 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/27/2014 8:38:54 AM 00:00:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 663-8000 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.04
1/27/2014 11:30:24 AM 00:03:36 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 1-800-350- Toll Free $0.00
1/28/2014 7:16:24 AM 00:00:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629 Local $0.03
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Counsel Page 6 of 12
Start Date/Time .5. Duration Extension Used Personnel Di\lision Code llialt=d ltLI tall llt=stioatiao tall UP£ .I:.IW:
1/28/2014 9:46:42 AM 00:01:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 559-709-8556 FRESNO, CA Incoming $0.00
1/28/2014 10:44:42 AM 00:00:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 909-831-2674
SANBRNDINO, Incoming $0.00
1/28/2014 10:44:48 AM 00:00:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 909-831-2674 SANBRNDINO, Incoming $0.00
1/28/2014 11:08:18 AM 00:04:42 83262 Lifquist, Jon
assr GLENDALE, CA In-State $0.12 1300
1/29/2014 7:51:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 431-6206 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.03
1/29/2014 8:03:42 AM 00:10:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 376-1189 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.34
1/29/2014 9:50:36 AM 00:01:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-760-498- BRAWLEY, CA In-State $0.05
1/29/2014 9:59:36 AM 00:04:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629 CBAA KERFLD S, Local $0.16
1/29/2014 10:39:30 AM 00:00:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-702-561- LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.03
1/29/2014 10:40:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 873-0412 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
1/29/2014 10:49:30 AM 00:10:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-702-561- LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.26
1/29/2014 11:18:00 AM 00: 02:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 760-498-7583 BRAWLEY, CA Incoming $0.00
1/29/2014 11:36:24 AM 00:01:36 83315 !Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/29/2014 2:25:42 PM 00:01:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.07
1/29/2014 3:06:54 PM 00:00:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1/29/2014 3:43:42 PM 00:06: 18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629 CBAA KERFLD S, Local $0.22
1/29/2014 3:50:48 PM 00:00:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 289-1312 LEBEC, CA In-LATA1 $0.03
1/29/2014 3:51:48 PM 00:00:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 809-8480
CA Local $0.04
1/29/2014 3:52:48 PM 00:00:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 978-8568 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
1/29/2014 3:57:42 PM 00:00: 18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 817-2585 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
1/29/2014 3:59:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-559-380- HANFORD, CA In-State $0.03
1/29/2014 4:00:24 PM 00:05:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 379-1278 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.19
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Counsel Page 7 of 12
Start Date/Time .li. Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Dial~;:dl!:LI Call Destination Call :Upe .!:.ost
1/29/2014 4:32:06 PM 00:06:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-702-561- LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.17
1/29/2014 4:43:42 PM 00:05:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629
Incoming $0.00
1/29/2014 4:49:06 PM 00:01:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 702-561-0871 LAS VEGAS, NV Incoming $0.00
1/29/2014 4:56:48 PM 00:03:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.13
1/29/2014 5:09:18 PM 00:03:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629
Local $0.12
1/29/2014 5:13:18 PM 00:08:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 379-1278 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.27
1/29/2014 5:44:48 PM 00:03: 12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
1/29/2014 6: 28: 36 PM 00:00:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 617-3201 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.03
1/29/2014 6:29:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 458-6507
In-LATA1 CA $0.03
1/29/2014 6:35:24 PM 00:00:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 364-5400 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.03
1/29/2014 6:37:00 PM 00:01:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 808-5975 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.03
1/29/2014 6:38:36 PM 00:00:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 333-2944 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.03
1/30/2014 9:29:18 AM 00:05:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-760-793- RIDGECREST,
1073 In-State $0.15 CA
1/30/2014 9:37:00 AM 00:00: 00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
7583 BRAWLEY, CA In-State $0.00
1/30/2014 9:38:12 AM 00:00:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-760-498-
BRAWLEY, CA In-State $0.03
1/30/2014 9:56:54 AM 00:00: 06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 376-1189 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
1/30/2014 10:01:24 AM 00:01:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629
CA Local $0.07
1/30/2014 10:04:24 AM 00:03:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 617-3201
CA Local $0.13
1/30/2014 10:08:48 AM 00:02:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 327-9461 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.10
1/30/2014 10:11:48 AM 00:02:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 836-7325 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.10
1/30/2014 10:14:12 AM 00:00:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 348-5475 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
1/30/2014 10:15:48 AM 00:07:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.19
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Start Date/Time ii. Duration Extension Used Personnel Division l:ode lliill£d l!:Ll Cilll ll£5tioiltiao Call T¥P£ .tg.5l
1/30/2014 10:15:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 702-5610
In-State CA $0.03
1/30/2014 10:56:06 AM 00:07:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 873-7405 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.25
1/30/2014 1:03:36 PM 00:00:24 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
1/30/2014 1:04:00 PM 00:00:00 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
1/30/2014 1: OS: 36 PM 00:00:24 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
1/30/2014 1:08:18 PM 00:17:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
FRESNO, CA In-State $0.43
1/30/2014 3:39:48 PM 00:12:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629
BAKERFLD S, Local $0.40
1/30/2014 5:01:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629
BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
1/30/2014 5:07:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629
Incoming $0.00
1/30/2014 5:15:48 PM 00:00:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629
Local $0.03
1/30/2014 5:17:24 PM 00:02:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629 CBAA KERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
1/30/2014 5:25:42 PM 00:00:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
1/30/2014 5:57:48 PM 00:01:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
1/30/2014 6:00:18 PM 00:05:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.18
1/31/2014 7:36:48 AM 00:06:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 747-6537 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.21
1/31/2014 8:55:00 AM 00:01:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-949-300- IRVINE, CA In-State $0.03
1/31/2014 9:35:18 AM 00:01:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-702-307- LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.05
1/31/2014 9:37:54 AM 00:02:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-630-919- ITASCA, IL National $0.08
2/3/2014 6:07:18 AM 00:00:42 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-664-7 440
CA Incoming $0.00
2/3/2014 7:53:48 AM 00:00:12 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-664-7440 Incoming $0.00
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Start Date/Time ~ Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Diillt:d ltLl tilll th:stioiltiao Cilll l¥:Pt:
2/3/2014 8:18:48 AM 00:00:12 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-800-1555 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/3/2014 3:46:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.00
2/3/2014 3:52:36 PM 00:03: 24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
2/3/2014 3:58:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 747-9732 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
2/3/2014 4:23:00 PM 00:01:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-654-7055 BAKERFLD S, CA Incoming $0.00
2/3/2014 4:34:12 PM 00:00:48 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 654-7055 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.04
2/4/2014 7:32:18 AM 00:04:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.15
2/4/2014 7:56:36 AM 00:01:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 663-3700
Local $0.06
2/4/2014 10:24:36 AM 00:05:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 663-3700
Local $0.19 CA
2/4/2014 11:52:06 AM 00:01:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629
BAKERFLD S, Local $0.07
2/4/2014 4:07:06 PM 00:00:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-888-971- Toll Free $0.00
2/4/2014 4:09:00 PM 00:02:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-888-971- Toll Free $0.00
2/5/2014 1:54:18 PM 00:00:42 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/5/2014 3:35:00 PM 00: 02:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-319-6113 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/5/2014 3:55:12 PM 00:00:48 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 619-3900 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
2/5/2014 3:57:06 PM 00:01:54 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
2/5/2014 9:20:42 PM 00:00: 18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4042 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/6/2014 5:34:42 AM 00:00: 18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4042 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/6/2014 10:34:24 AM 00:00:36 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 631-5920 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
2/6/2014 10:51:54 AM 00: 00:06 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-345-0588 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/6/2014 11:07:12 AM 00:00:48 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/7/2014 9:17:48 AM 00:01:12 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 832-7396
Local $0.07 CA
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Start Date/Time A Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Diah:d lCLI Callll~:5tioatigo Call Tl(pl: .t2s1
2/7/2014 2:59:18 PM 00:00:42 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/8/2014 11:34:12 PM 00:00:48 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4043 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/10/2014 7:16:54 AM 00:02:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-863-8000 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/11/2014 10:53:00 AM 00:13:00 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/12/2014 8:25:48 AM 00:02:12 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 1-855-688- Toll Free 7070 $0.00
2/12/2014 12:38:54 PM 00:00:06 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-487-5463 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/12/2014 12:58:00 PM 00:00:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-487-5463 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/14/2014 2:06:30 AM 00:00:30 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4043 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/14/2014 8:51:54 AM 00:01:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 323-522-6950 LACZ 02A, CA Incoming $0.00
2/14/2014 11:17:36 AM 00:00:24 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-847-1821
Incoming $0.00
2/14/2014 12:57:24 PM 00:01:36 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4043 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/14/2014 4:30:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 909-867-5000 CRAU NNINGSPG, Incoming $0.00
2/14/2014 7:39:36 PM 00:00:24 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4042 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/16/2014 7:06:36 PM 00:00:24 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4043 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/18/2014 7:31:36 AM 00:01:24 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4043 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/18/2014 8:50:06 AM 00:05:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.15
2/18/2014 9:46:24 AM 00:00; 36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 324-6593 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
2/18/2014 10:20:54 AM 00:06:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 877-6436
In-State $0.17 CA
2/18/2014 10:29:06 AM 00:03:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-323-522-
LACZ 02A, CA In-State $0.10 6950
2/18/2014 11:13:42 AM 00:00:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 747-6537 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
2/18/2014 1:22:12 PM 00:00:48 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/19/2014 8:45:42 AM 00:00:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
2/19/2014 1:12:36 PM 00:00:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
6955 GARDENA,CA In-State $0.03
2/19/2014 1:13:12 PM 00:00:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 797-9200 LOST HILLS, CA In-LATA1 $0.03
2/19/2014 1:30:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.00
2/19/2014 1:33:12 PM 00:02:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629 Incoming $0.00
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Start Date/Time ~ Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Dialed ltLI tall Destiaatiaa tall I¥Pe .l:nsl:
2/19/2014 1:39:42 PM 00:06:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629
CA Local $0.22
2/19/2014 1:47:36 PM 00:03: 24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 376-7119 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.13
2/19/2014 1:53:18 PM 00:01:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 310-749-6955 GARDENA,CA Incoming $0.00
2/19/2014 1:55:54 PM 00:02:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 862-8654 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.10
2/19/2014 1:56:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 862-8603 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
2/19/2014 1:59:12 PM 00:00:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 747-6537 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
2/19/2014 2:28:30 PM 00:01:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629
Local $0.07
2/19/2014 2:56:48 PM 00: 00: 12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 204-5959 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
2/19/2014 2:58:48 PM 00: 02: 12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 747-6537 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.10
2/19/2014 3:58:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629 CBAA KERFLD S, Local $0.00
2/19/2014 4:29:06 PM 00: 22: 54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 747-6537 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.70
2/20/2014 7:58:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 325-2836 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.03
2/20/2014 9:38:48 AM 00: 02: 12 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 1-855-688- Toll Free $0.00
2/20/2014 9:51:48 AM 00:02:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.10
2/20/2014 1:14:42 PM 00:07:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-805-922- SANTAMARIA, In-State $0.19
5551 CA
2/20/2014 1:34:24 PM 00:03:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 325-2836 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.13
2/20/2014 2:34:00 PM 00:07:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
0871 LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.17
2/20/2014 2:46:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 747-6537 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
2/20/2014 2:47:00 PM 00:00: 00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 831-7930
CA Local $0.00
2/20/2014 2:47:30 PM 00:05:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 325-2245 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.19
2/20/2014 4:00:06 PM 00:00:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 909-867-5000 RUNNINGSPG, Incoming $0.00
2/20/2014 4:04:18 PM 00:02:42 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 909-867-5000 RUNNINGSPG, Incoming $0.00
2/20/2014 5:12:06 PM 00:00: 54 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4042 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
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~ …
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Start Date/Time .a. Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Diall:dlCLI Call Destination Call T¥PI: .tim
2/20/2014 5:13:42 PM 00: 00: 18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4043 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/21/2014 7:36:42 AM 00:00: 18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4042 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/21/2014 9:01:54 AM 00:00:06 83262 Lifquist, Jon
assr 7141 CALIF CllY, CA In-State $0.03
2/21/2014 10:22:24 AM 00:02:36 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr
1-760-373- CALIF CllY, CA In-State $0.08 7141
2/21/2014 12:38:42 PM 00:01:18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 909-867-5000 RUNNINGSPG, Incoming $0.00
Previous Page Next Page Page 1 of 3 First Page Last Paqe
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Kern County Search Criteria 5/27/2014 11:15:47 AM PDT
Previous Page Next Page Page 2 of3 e First Page Last Page
Start Date/Time ~ Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code DialedlCLI Call Destination Call Ty:l!e Cost
2/21/2014 1:02:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629
CA Local $0.00
2/21/2014 1:03:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 699-7693 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.00
2/21/2014 1:22:48 PM 00:00:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 837-7200 CBAA KERFLD S, Local $0.04
2/21/2014 1:32:24 PM 00:07:36 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 1-559-454- FRESNO, CA In-State $0.19
2/21/2014 1:38:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-2629
BAKERFLD S, Local $0.00
2/21/2014 2:20:42 PM 00: 00: 18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 477-3871 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
2/21/2014 2:29:12 PM 00:42:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-599-2629 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00 CA
2/21/2014 11:36:54 PM 00:00:06 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4043 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/22/2014 3:43:06 PM 00:00:54 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4043 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/22/2014 6:43:42 PM 00: 00: 18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-4042 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/24/2014 9:54:36 AM 00:01:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 380-9709 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
2/24/2014 11:32:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
DALLAS, TX National $0.03 5544
2/24/2014 11:34:06 AM 00:00:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
5656 HOUSTON,TX National $0.03
2/24/2014 11:54:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-797-9200 LOST HILLS, CA Incoming $0.00
2/24/2014 12:20:18 PM 00:03:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 714-499-994 7 PLACENTIA, CA Incoming $0.00
2/24/2014 2:05:36 PM 00:03:24 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 1-408-295- SAN JOSE, CA In-State $0.10 2000
2/24/2014 2:11:06 PM 00:08:54 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr In-State $0.22
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Start Date/Time .a. Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Diah:dl~U Callllesl:ioal:iao tall :UPe .t.£151:
1-831-440- SANTA CRUZ,
1000 CA
2/24/2014 2:15:48 PM 00:01:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 831-1413
CA Local $0.07
2/24/2014 2:30:18 PM 00:00:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 496-1421 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
2/24/2014 3:04:24 PM 00:00:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/24/2014 3:26:30 PM 00:04:30 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 822-1888 TEHACHAPI, CA ln-LATA1 $0.12
2/24/2014 3:31:24 PM 00:05:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 633-5368 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.19
2/24/2014 3:38:00 PM 00:04:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 979-9429 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.13
2/24/2014 3:48:30 PM 00:00:30 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/24/2014 4:00:36 PM 00:08:24 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.28
2/25/2014 8:11:42 AM 00: 09: 18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr
1-760-373- CALIF CITY, CA In-State $0.24
2/25/2014 8:32:36 AM 00:00:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 477-3871 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
2/25/2014 8:54:48 AM 00:09:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private
assr 6879 FRESNO, CA In-State $0.24
2/25/2014 10:04:12 AM 00:00:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 602-523-1205 PHOENIX, AZ Incoming $0.00
2/25/2014 1:52:30 PM 00:00:30 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/25/2014 2:13:54 PM 00:01:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
2/25/2014 2:20:00 PM 00:03:00 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 832-9614 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.10
2/26/2014 8:48:54 AM 00:04:06 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-847-1823
CA Incoming $0.00
2/26/2014 9:33:00 AM 00:05:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-702-561-
0871 LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.12
2/26/2014 11:01:24 AM 00:02:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-477-3871 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/26/2014 1:20:42 PM 00:03:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private
assr 5585 Toll Free $0.00
2/26/2014 1:21:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-9760 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
2/26/2014 2:38:30 PM 00:03: 30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.13
2/27/2014 9:55:12 AM 00:00:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 602-523-1205 PHOENIX, AZ Incoming $0.00
2/27/2014 10:06:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 702-5610 SANCLARITA, In-State $0.03
2/27/2014 10:07:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-9760 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
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Start Date/Time £ Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code DialedltLI tall Destioatiao tall :UP!i: ~
2/27/2014 10:08:36 AM 00:06:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-702-561- LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.17
2/28/2014 8:21:42 AM 00: 00: 18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-800-1555 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
2/28/2014 10:06:30 AM 00:17:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 833-7900 BAKERFLD S,
Local $0.55
2/28/2014 11:55:12 AM 00:00:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 602-523-1203 PHOENIX, AZ Incoming $0.00
3/3/2014 7:24:24 AM 00:00:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-863-8000 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/3/2014 9:18:24 AM 00:04:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private
assr SAN JOSE, CA In-State $0.12
3/3/2014 9:24:24 AM 00:05:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private
1-831-440- SANTA CRUZ,
assr In-State $0.15 1000 CA
3/3/2014 9:45:36 AM 00:01:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-800-784- Toll Free $0.00
3/3/2014 10:27:00 AM 00:00:00 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
3/3/2014 12:55:24 PM 00:01:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.05
3/3/2014 1:08:48 PM 00:02:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
LAS VEGAS, NV National $0.08 0871
3/3/2014 1:38:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 664-4723
CA Local $0.00
3/3/2014 1:39:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-9760 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
3/3/2014 1:52:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 852-2643 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
3/3/2014 1:58:06 PM 00:06:54 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 1-866-229-
Toll Free $0.00
3/3/2014 3:26:12 PM 00:10:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-714-894- WESTMINSTR,
In-State $0.26
9282 CA
3/3/2014 3:43:54 PM 00:00: 06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 376-1189 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/4/2014 9:15:24 AM 00:00:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-654-7055 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00 CA
3/4/2014 10:12:36 AM 00:01:24 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 833-2942 BAKERFLD S,
Local $0.07
3/4/2014 10:52:42 AM 00:01:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
3/4/2014 10:54:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 380-9709 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/4/2014 11:30:12 AM 00: 11:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/4/2014 12:00:06 PM 00:03:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 664-4723 Local $0.13
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Start Date/Time ~ Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Dial!:d lCLl Call llestioatiao Call URI: ,
3/4/2014 2:47:00 PM 00:01:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 325-2836 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/4/2014 4:35:24 PM 00:01:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 325-2245 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
3/5/2014 9:33:18 AM 00:00:42 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/5/2014 10:53:12 AM 00:03:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 322-1708 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.13
3/5/2014 11:11:06 AM 00:00:54 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-319-6113 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/5/2014 1:31:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 909-489-8241 ONTARIO, CA Incoming $0.00
3/5/2014 1:34:18 PM 00:00:42 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/5/2014 2:58:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-872-2514 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/5/2014 3:57:36 PM 00:00:24 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/5/2014 4:07:48 PM 00:00:12 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-319-6113 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/6/2014 10:35:48 AM 00:01: 12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 760-373-2522 CALIF CITY, CA Incoming $0.00
3/6/2014 3:27:30 PM 00:00:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 663-8604
CA Local $0.04
3/6/2014 3:31:42 PM 00:00:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 325-2836 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/6/2014 3:38:42 PM 00:01:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 325-2836 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
3/7/2014 8:49:36 AM 00:01:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 380-9709 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
3/7/2014 8:55:36 AM 00:06:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 204-5959 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.22
3/7/2014 9:23:00 AM 00:01:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 380-9709 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/7/2014 9:26:48 AM 00:02:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.10
3/7/2014 9:34:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-3414
CA Local $0.04
3/7/2014 10:34:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 204-5959 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/7/2014 1:58:36 PM 00:02:24 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr
1-916-274- SACRMNTO N, In-State $0.08
3353 CA
3/7/2014 3:01:12 PM 00:16:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 747-6537 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.52
3/7/2014 3:10:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-477-3871 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/7/2014 3:21:06 PM 00:00:54 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-319-6113 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/10/2014 7:58:42 AM 00:03: 18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 872-2514 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.12
3/10/2014 7:59:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 664-4723 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.00 CA
3/10/2014 8:29:48 AM 00:04:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 654-7055 Local $0.16
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Start Date/Time ~ Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Diah:dlCLI Call llesl:icatigc Call ll!Pil ,Cg,5l:
3/10/2014 10:26:36 AM 00: 00: 24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 833-7900
CA Local $0.04
3/10/2014 10:26:48 AM 00:00:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 833-7900 BCAA KERFLD S, Local $0.04
3/10/2014 10:56:00 AM 00:01:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-319-6113 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/10/2014 1:48:24 PM 00:01:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 834-5668
CA Local $0.07
3/10/2014 2:02:42 PM 00:21:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/10/2014 2:27:00 PM 00:00: 00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 832-3768 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.00
3/10/2014 2:28:18 PM 00:00:42 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 835-0950 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.04
3/10/2014 2:33:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/10/2014 2:38:36 PM 00:06:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-408-667- SAN JOSE N, CA In-State $0.17
3/10/2014 2:45:06 PM 00:05:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 301-6576 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.19
3/10/2014 2:51:18 PM 00:24:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/10/2014 3:31:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-818-341- NORTHRIDGE,
In-State $0.03 1581 CA
3/10/2014 3:32:00 PM 00:01:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
TULSA, OK National $0.03
3/10/2014 3:33:24 PM 00:05:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-918-565- TULSA, OK National $0.15
3/10/2014 3:39:42 PM 00:01:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-818-341- NORTHRIDGE, In-State $0.05 1581 CA
3/10/2014 4:26:30 PM 00:04:30 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-835-0943 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00 CA
3/10/2014 7:35:00 PM 00:00:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 407-722-3533 ORLANDO, FL Incoming $0.00
3/11/2014 3:56:30 PM 00:00:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/11/2014 3:58:48 PM 00:00:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/11/2014 7:11:00 PM 00:00:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 407-722-3533 ORLANDO, FL Incoming $0.00
3/12/2014 7:34:12 AM 00:00:48 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr Incoming $0.00
3/12/2014 8:40:06 AM 00:01:54 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-706-0402 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
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Start Date/Time L Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code DialedlCU Call llt:51:ioatiao Call UP!: ~
3/12/2014 3:11:30 PM 00:00:30 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-847-1823 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
3/12/2014 3:23:54 PM 00:01:06 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-395-7415 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/12/2014 4:24:54 PM 00:00:06 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-319-6113 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/12/2014 4:54:30 PM 00:00:30 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 395-7415 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/12/2014 7:25:00 PM 00:00:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 407-722-3533 ORLANDO, FL Incoming $0.00
3/13/2014 8:01:42 AM 00:00: 18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-703-9803 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/13/2014 9:06:12 AM 00:01:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 833-7828
Local $0.07 CA
3/13/2014 9:21:48 AM 00:03:12 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 205-7607 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.13
3/13/2014 10:38:30 AM 00:05:30 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-324-0718 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/13/2014 2:37:42 PM 00:00: 18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-319-6113 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/13/2014 2:43:00 PM 00:00:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-319-6113 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/13/2014 2:59:00 PM 00:00:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-319-6113 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/13/2014 6:58:00 PM 00:00:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 407-722-3533 ORLANDO, FL Incoming $0.00
3/13/2014 8:10:12 PM 00:20:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-3414 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.63 CA
3/14/2014 10:13:30 AM 00: 02: 30 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 832-7396 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.10
3/14/2014 10:28:30 AM 00:00:30 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-833-9995 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
3/14/2014 11:23:48 AM 00:01:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 837-3361
CA Local $0.07
3/14/2014 12:55:54 PM 00:06:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-3414 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.22 CA
3/14/2014 3:24:48 PM 00:00:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 323-2711 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/14/2014 7:02:00 PM 00:00:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 407-722-3533 ORLANDO, FL Incoming $0.00
3/15/2014 10:24:00 AM 00:00:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 407-722-3533 ORLANDO, FL Incoming $0.00
3/16/2014 2:24:12 PM 00:00:48 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-324-7491 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/17/2014 5:47:30 AM 00:00: 30 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr Incoming $0.00
3/17/2014 7:17:42 AM 00:00: 18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-324-7491 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/17/2014 7:18:36 AM 00:00:24 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-863-8000 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/17/2014 8:46:30 AM 00:01:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
3/17/2014 9:19:06 AM 00:00:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr In-State $0.03
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Start Date/Time .i.. Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Dialed lCLI Call Destioatiao Call lVPt: i:.Q.5l
1-805-440- SNLUSOBSPO,
8686 CA
3/17/2014 9:26:48 AM 01:03:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private
1-916-552- SACRAMENTO,
assr In-State $1.52
2828 CA
3/17/2014 10:55:06 AM 00:00:54 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-395-9244 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/17/2014 11:15:30 AM 00: 00: 30 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-706-3712 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/17/2014 11:17:18 AM 00:00:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/17/2014 7:33:00 PM 00:00:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 407-722-3533 ORLANDO, FL Incoming $0.00
3/18/2014 12:41:48 PM 00:05:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 637-9069 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.19
3/18/2014 2:37:48 PM 00:01:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
3/19/2014 8:42:00 AM 00:02:00 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr
1-530-265- NEVADACilY, In-State $0.05
1269 CA
3/19/2014 8:45:06 AM 00:01:54 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr
1-530-906- AUBURN 1, CA In-State $0.05
3/19/2014 8:56:54 AM 00:00:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 328-3856 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/19/2014 9:25:54 AM 00:00:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 328-3856 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/19/2014 9:40:48 AM 00:01:12 83262 Lifquist, Jon
1-559-642- COARSEGOLD,
assr In-State $0.05 3121 CA
3/19/2014 9:46:24 AM 00:00:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 410-7546 CBAA KERFLD N, Local $0.04
3/19/2014 9:47:12 AM 00:00:48 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 410-7546
CA Local $0.04
3/19/2014 9:49:12 AM 00:14:48 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-205-7607 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/19/2014 10:09:18 AM 00:02:42 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 410-7546 BAKERFLD N, Local $0.10
3/19/2014 10:13:42 AM 00:01:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 328-3856 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
3/19/2014 10:22:42 AM 00:04:18 83315 !Fitch-Private assr 328-3856 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.16
3/19/2014 10:35:48 AM 00:01:12 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr
1-213-974- LACZ 01A, CA In-State $0.05
3/19/2014 11:29:24 AM 00:00:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/19/2014 12:07:42 PM 00:01:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/19/2014 12:55:30 PM 00: 03:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 836-7321 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.13
3/19/2014 1:01:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 325-2836 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
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Start Date/Time .ii. Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Dialed lCLI Call llcstioatiao Call Inc
3/19/2014 1:03:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 325-2836 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
3/19/2014 1:55:54 PM 00:02:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.10
3/19/2014 3:12:48 PM 00:00:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/19/2014 3:33:48 PM 00:01:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
3/19/2014 3:34:42 PM 00:09:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-205-7607 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/19/2014 3:44:12 PM 00:03:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 979-9756 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.13
3/19/2014 3:53:30 PM 00:01:30 83315 ! Fitch-Private 1-916-274- SACRMNTO N, assr In-State $0.05
3363 CA
3/19/2014 3:53:42 PM 00:01:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 868-3690 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
3/19/2014 3:55:48 PM 00:12:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.40
3/20/2014 8:55:54 AM 00:00:06 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 203-4041 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/20/2014 8:56:54 AM 00:00:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private
1-916-274- SACRMNTO N, In-State $0.03 assr
3363 CA
3/20/2014 9:03:18 AM 00:01:42 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 203-4041 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
3/20/2014 9:21:06 AM 00:06:54 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 832-3768
Local $0.22
3/20/2014 9:28:36 AM 00:04:24 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 327-4411 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.16
3/20/2014 9:33:36 AM 00:06:24 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 387-6000 BAKERFLD N, Local $0.22
3/20/2014 11:03:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/20/2014 11:06:18 AM 00:00:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/20/2014 11:08:24 AM 00: 00:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/20/2014 11:14:00 AM 00:01:00 83315 !F itch-Private assr 1-916-274- SACRMNTO N, In-State $0.03
3363 CA
3/20/2014 1:00:00 PM 00:02: 00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
3/20/2014 1:16:24 PM 00:01:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 818-381-3628 SUN VALLEY, Incoming $0.00 CA
3/20/2014 1:50:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 831-7930 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.00 CA
3/20/2014 1:50:30 PM 00:01:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 747-6537 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
3/20/2014 2:03:00 PM 00:02:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 325-2836 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
3/20/2014 2:23:42 PM 00:00:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-4510 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/20/2014 2:39:48 PM 00:01:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
3/20/2014 2:43:30 PM 00:00:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr In-State $0.03
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Start Date/Time ~ Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code DialcdlCLI Call Dclitinatian Call UPC .t.IW.
1-818-381- SUN VALLEY,
3628 CA
3/20/2014 3:27:36 PM 00:00:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 323-2711 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/20/2014 3:41:42 PM 00:01:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr
1-559-600- FRESNO, CA In-State $0.05
3/20/2014 3:44:12 PM 00:00:48 83315 ! Fitch-Private
assr FRESNO, CA In-State $0.03
3/21/2014 9:35:12 AM 00:24:48 83262 Lifquist, Jon
assr Toll Free $0.00 2020
3/21/2014 3:02:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 864-7870 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/21/2014 3:04:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-3414 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.00
3/22/20141:44:12 PM 00:02:48 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-282-8874 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
3/23/2014 11:08:30 AM 00:00:30 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-282-8874
Incoming $0.00
3/23/2014 11:34:42 PM 00: 00: 18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-282-8874
Incoming $0.00 CA
3/24/2014 8:13:48 AM 00:00:12 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-323-8457 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/24/2014 10:30:36 AM 00:02:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
AGOURA, CA In-State $0.08
3/24/2014 3:46:54 PM 00:06:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-818-203- VAN NUYS 1,
In-State $0.17 5670 CA
3/24/2014 4:13:42 PM 00:00:18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-342-3222 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/25/2014 9:18:06 AM 00:05:54 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 387-6000 BAKERFLD N, Local $0.19
3/25/2014 1:21:54 PM 00:01:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 978-8585 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
3/25/2014 1:23:24 PM 00:00:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/25/2014 4:02:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 204-0812 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/26/2014 12:03:36 AM 00:00:24 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-282-8873 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
3/26/2014 10:29:48 AM 00: 02: 12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-477-3871 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/26/2014 1:54:06 PM 00:08:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 303-6041 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.28
3/26/2014 4:02:18 PM 00:15:42 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-205-7607 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/26/2014 5:49:54 PM 00:00:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-205-7607 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
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Counsel Page 10 of 11
Start Date/Time £ Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code DialcdlCLI Call Dcstioatiao Call lltPC ~
3/27/2014 8:15:24 AM 00:01:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
3/27/2014 10:04:18 AM 00:09:42 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-833-9995 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
3/27/2014 10:07:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 380-9709 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/27/2014 11:25:12 AM 00:00:48 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/27/2014 11:51:48 AM 00:10:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-800-528- Toll Free $0.00
3/27/2014 1:50:36 PM 00:00:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
Toll Free $0.00
3/27/2014 1:55:24 PM 00:02:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.10
3/27/2014 3:25:30 PM 00:00:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/27/2014 3:34:42 PM 00: 03: 18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe
1-800-643- assr Toll Free $0.00 0202
3/27/2014 3:41:18 PM 00:07:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-800-643- Toll Free $0.00
3/28/2014 8:02:48 AM 00:00: 12 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-599-0337 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
3/28/2014 11:37:30 AM 00:08:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-800-861- Toll Free $0.00
3/28/2014 2:33:18 PM 00:00:42 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
3/28/2014 3:07:42 PM 00:00:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
3/28/2014 9:20:00 PM 00:01:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-282-8874
Incoming $0.00
3/30/2014 11:42:00 AM 00:01:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-282-8872 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
3/30/2014 3:54:54 PM 00:01:06 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-397-9967 CBAA KERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
3/31/2014 8:13:06 AM 00:01:54 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 112-53320 -265- CNAE VADACilY, In-State $0.05
3/31/2014 8:15:18 AM 00:01:42 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr
QUINCY, CA In-State $0.05
3/31/2014 11:20:18 AM 00:00:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 327-3228 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/31/2014 12:45:54 PM 00:02:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-800-528- Toll Free $0.00
3/31/2014 1:06:24 PM 00:06:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr Toll Free $0.00
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Counsel Page 11 of 11
Start Date/Time ~ Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code DialedltLI tall Destioatiao tall Ixpe ~
3/31/2014 1:18:42 PM 00:00:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 325-2836 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/31/2014 1:22:48 PM 00:00: 12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-800-967- Toll Free $0.00
3/31/2014 1:33:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 599-3414 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.00
3/31/2014 1:40:48 PM 00:02:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private
assr Toll Free $0.00 8667
3/31/2014 3:35:36 PM 00:00:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 578-5683 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
3/31/2014 3:44:54 PM 00:01:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 578-5683 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
4/1/2014 7:28:36 AM 00:00:24 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-324-6666 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/1/2014 8:19:54 AM 00:02:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.10
4/1/2014 8:22:24 AM 00:02:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.10
4/1/2014 9:07:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 380-9709 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/1/2014 9:07:48 AM 00: OS: 12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 578-5683 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.19
4/1/2014 11:46:24 AM 00:00:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/1/2014 1:48:06 PM 00:11:54 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.37
4/1/2014 3:59:12 PM 00:00:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 818-362-6851
SANFERND 1, Incoming $0.00 CA
4/2/2014 9:06:36 AM 00: 00: 24 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 327-4141 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
4/2/2014 11:52:12 AM 00:00:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 303-6868 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
Previous Paqe Next Paqe Page 2 of 3 First Paqe Last Paqe
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Kern County
Previous Page Next Page Page 3 of3 G)
Start Date/Time ~ Duration Extension Used
4/2/2014 1:40:00 PM 00:01:00 83243
4/2/2014 1:53:54 PM 00:00: 06 83243
4/2/2014 1: 56: 18 PM 00:00:42 83243
4/2/2014 3:24:24 PM 00:01:36 83315
4/2/2014 3:53:42 PM 00:00:18 83262
4/3/2014 6:43:36 AM 00:00:24 83262
4/3/2014 7:41:24 AM 00:08:36 83243
4/3/2014 2:07:36 PM 00:00:24 83262
4/3/2014 4:21:42 PM 00:01:18 83243
4/3/2014 4:23:12 PM 00:01:48 83262
4/4/2014 7:49:12 AM 00:01:48 83243
4/4/2014 7:52:00 AM 00:01:00 83243
4/4/2014 8:34:42 AM 00:00: 18 83243
4/4/2014 9:23:06 AM 00:19:54 83243
4/4/2014 12:43:18 PM 00:00:42 83243
4/4/2014 1:00:00 PM 00:00:00 83243
4/4/2014 2:39:18 PM 00:00:42 83243
4/4/2014 2:43:48 PM 00:01:12 83243
4/7/2014 3:17:36 PM 00:00:24 83315
4/8/2014 10:37:12 AM 00:02:48 83243
Search Criteria
Personnel Division Code
Esquivias, Lupe assr
Esquivias, Lupe assr
Esquivias, Lupe assr
! Fitch-Private assr
Lifquist, Jon assr
Lifquist, Jon assr
Esquivias, Lupe assr
Lifquist, Jon assr
Esquivias, Lupe assr
Lifquist, Jon assr
Esquivias, Lupe assr
Esquivias, Lupe assr
Esquivias, Lupe assr
Esquivias, Lupe assr
Esquivias, Lupe assr
Esquivias, Lupe assr
Esquivias, Lupe assr
Esquivias, Lupe assr
! Fitch-Private assr
Esquivias, Lupe assr
Page 1 of 10
5/27/2014 11:15:47 AM PDT
First Page Last Page
DialedlCLI Call Destination Call Tl{:j!e Cost
1-818-362- SANFERND 1,
In-State 6851 CA $0.03
635-2527 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
635-2527 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
387-6000 BAKERFLD N, Local $0.07
661-322-2973 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
661-324-6666 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
1-800-333- Toll Free $0.00
661-342-3222 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
Incoming $0.00
Incoming $0.00
Toll Free $0.00
Toll Free $0.00
822-4433 TEHACHAPI, CA In-LATA! $0.03
822-4433 TEHACHAPI, CA In-LATA! $0.48
951-545-7294 CORONA,CA Incoming $0.00
635-2527 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
877-242-7372 Incoming $0.00
322-2973 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
Incoming $0.00
618-1927 PALMDALE, CA In-State $0.08
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I •
Counsel Page 2 of 1 0
Start Date/Time ~ Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Dialcdli:LI Call llc5tioatiao l:illl UPC .l:n.5t
4/8/2014 11:25:00 AM 00:00:00 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
4/8/2014 1:09:30 PM 00:00:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 578-5683 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
4/8/2014 3:08:12 PM 00:01:48 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 283-7000 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
4/8/2014 3:25:18 PM 00:03:42 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 832-9614 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.13
4/8/2014 3:33:42 PM 00:06:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 1-805-540- SNLUSOBSPO, In-State $0.17
9962 CA
4/8/2014 3:40:36 PM 00:00:24 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 832-9614
CA Local $0.04
4/9/2014 10:25:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 854-2265 ARVIN, CA In-LATA1 $0.02
4/9/2014 10:26:36 AM 00:01:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 854-5581 ARVIN, CA In-LATA1 $0.05
4/9/2014 10:33:54 AM 00:03:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 979-6969 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.13
4/9/2014 12:19:42 PM 00:01:18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-327-7541 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/9/2014 3:19:42 PM 00:00: 18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 979-6969 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
4/9/2014 3:51:42 PM 00:00:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
4/9/2014 4:09:36 PM 00:00:24 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
4/9/2014 4:14:36 PM 00:00:24 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
4/9/2014 5:44:42 PM 00:00: 18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-833-6066 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
4/10/2014 8:21:00 AM 00:02:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 327-7541 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
4/10/2014 10:40:42 AM 00: 00: 18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 562-991-4887 NORWALK, CA Incoming $0.00
4/10/2014 11:33:36 AM 00: 00: 24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
Toll Free $0.00 6174
4/10/2014 12:02:12 PM 00:00:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 562-261-3552 DOWNEY, CA Incoming $0.00
4/10/2014 12:45:42 PM 00: 00: 18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 562-261-3552 DOWNEY, CA Incoming $0.00
4/10/2014 3:49:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 301-5460 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
4/10/2014 6:43:00 PM 00:00:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-301-1308 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/11/2014 8:43:30 AM 00:02:30 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-342-3222 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/11/2014 1:03:00 PM 00:00:00 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
4/11/2014 1:47:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 833-9125 BAKERFLD S,
Local $0.04
4/11/2014 4:02:12 PM 00:00:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 325-7725 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
4/11/2014 4:02:54 PM 00:01:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 325-7725 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
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Counsel Page 3 of 10
Start Date/Time ~ Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Dialed lCLI Call l2e5tinatian Call I¥Pe .t.!W.
4/11/2014 4:10:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 319-2763 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/11/2014 4:17:54 PM 00: 00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-301-766- HAGERSTOWN, National 5882 MD $0.03
4/12/2014 7:45:24 AM 00:00:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private
1-805-710- ARROYOGRND, In-State $0.03 assr
2778 CA
4/12/2014 7:50:00 AM 00:06:00 83315 ! Fitch-Private
1-805-710- ARROYOGRND, In-State $0.15 assr
2778 CA
4/12/2014 12:36:24 PM 00:00:36 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-616-2505 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/14/2014 9:37:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 871-8807 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/14/2014 10:43:42 AM 00:09: 18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-827-1834
Incoming $0.00 CA
4/14/2014 11:04:48 AM 00:01:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 330-1413 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
4/14/2014 1:11:48 PM 00:03:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 665-9627 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.13
4/14/2014 2:52:48 PM 00:24:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-301-766- HAGERSTOWN,
National $0.59 5882 MD
4/15/2014 10:55:00 AM 00:02:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 325-2836 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
4/15/2014 3:24:24 PM 00:00:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
4/15/2014 3:25:54 PM 00:00:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
4/15/2014 3:30:06 PM 00: 16: 54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 979-0797 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.52
4/15/2014 6:57:42 PM 00:00:18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-833-6066 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00 CA
4/16/2014 9:12:48 AM 00:04:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
Toll Free $0.00
4/16/2014 9:45:24 AM 00:00:36 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-323-9421 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/16/2014 10:40:00 AM 00:06:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 979-0797 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.19
4/16/2014 11:09:42 AM 00:03:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 854-5581 ARVIN, CA In-LA TAl $0.09
4/16/2014 11:30:30 AM 00: 02:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 401-2967 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.10
4/16/2014 1:53:36 PM 00:01:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
9480 Toll Free $0.00
4/16/2014 2:20:48 PM 00:03: 12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 213-3088 BAKERFLD N, Local $0.13 CA
4/16/2014 3:17:36 PM 00:00: 24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 979-6969 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
4/16/2014 3:19:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 871-8807 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
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Counsel Page 4 of 10
Start Date/Time ..5. Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Diilh::d lt:LI Ci1111le5tioiltiao Call UP!: ~
4/17/2014 9:29:00 AM 00:01:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-322-8692 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/17/2014 10:05:00 AM 00:01:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-213-3088 BAKERFLD N, CA Incoming $0.00
4/17/2014 10:31:30 AM 00:00:30 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-833-9995 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
4/17/2014 11:13:54 AM 00:01:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 951-545-7294 CORONA,CA Incoming $0.00
4/18/2014 7:17:18 AM 00:02:42 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 833-9995 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.09 CA
4/18/2014 9:14:54 AM 00:00: 06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-5780 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
4/18/2014 9:18:30 AM 00:01:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 979-8122 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
4/18/2014 9:27:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-5780 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/18/2014 11:11:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-5780 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/18/2014 11:53:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-5780 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/18/2014 12:05:48 PM 00:02:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 327-2000 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.10
4/18/2014 12:15:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-5780 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/18/2014 12:16:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 380-9709 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/18/2014 12:32:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-5970 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
4/18/2014 12:34:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-5780 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/21/2014 7:16:24 AM 00:00:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-863-8000 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/21/2014 8:31:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-5780 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/21/2014 9:25:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-5780 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/21/2014 9:27:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-9672 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/21/2014 9:28:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 380-9709 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/21/2014 9:45:30 AM 00:05:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 323-627-6044 LACZ 06A, CA Incoming $0.00
4/21/2014 10:21:06 AM 00:00:54 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr
VENTURA E, CA In-State $0.03
4/21/2014 10:45:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-5780 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/21/2014 11:00:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-9672 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/21/2014 11:04:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-5780 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/21/2014 11:15:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-800-928-
Toll Free $0.00
4/21/2014 11:33:30 AM 00:01:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 979-0797 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
4/21/2014 2:17:18 PM 00:01:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr Incoming $0.00
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Counsel Page 5 of 1 0
Start Date/Time i=. Duration Extension Used Personnel Division__Code Dialt:d lCLI Call Dt:stioatiao Call ll!Pi: .cas~:
4/21/2014 2:20:06 PM 00:00: 54 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr Incoming $0.00
4/21/2014 2:28:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 322-4624 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/21/2014 2:28:24 PM 00:00:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 332-8684 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
4/21/2014 3:01:48 PM 00:00:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
4/21/2014 4:10:30 PM 00:00:30 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 832-9614 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.04
4/22/2014 7:45:42 AM 00:03:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-888-445- Toll Free $0.00
4/22/2014 8:11:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 862-8700 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
4/22/2014 8:12:12 AM 00:00:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 321-3000 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
4/22/2014 8:18:00 AM 00:03:00 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr
1-530-544- SOUTHTAHOE, In-State $0.08
5400 CA
4/22/2014 8:22:36 AM 00:01:24 83315 ! Fitch-Private
1-213-741- assr LACZ 07A, CA In-State $0.05
4/22/2014 8:30:48 AM 00:01:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
4/22/2014 8:34:00 AM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-9672 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/22/2014 9:21:06 AM 00: 11:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-703-3507 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/22/2014 11:16:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-301-2259 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/22/2014 1:59:42 PM 00: 05: 18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 401-2967 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.19
4/22/2014 2:44:06 PM 00:00:54 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/22/2014 9:41:42 PM 00:00:18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-861-1559 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/23/2014 1:14:12 PM 00:00:48 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 760-371-4301
Incoming $0.00
4/23/2014 2:18:00 PM 00:04:00 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr
LACZ 01A, CA In-State $0.10
4/23/2014 2:33:54 PM 00:02:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 327-4028 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.10
4/23/2014 2:36:48 PM 00:00:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 854-5581 ARVIN, CA ln-LATA1 $0.02
4/23/2014 2:44:36 PM 00:02:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-220-8898 ARVIN, CA Incoming $0.00
4/24/2014 8:03:06 AM 00:00:54 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-861-1559 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/24/2014 9:03:48 AM 00:03:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private
1-805-773- PISMOBEACH, In-State $0.10 assr
7404 CA
4/25/2014 7:47:12 AM 00:00:48 83315 !Fitch-Private assr 661-706-0402 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/25/2014 10:27:24 AM 00:07:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 327-4028 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.25
4/25/2014 12:30:48 PM 00:00:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 631-9904 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
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Counsel Page 6 of 1 0
Start Date/Time ..i. Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code DialedlCLl Call lle5tioatiao Call l¥Pe .t2st
4/25/2014 12:32:00 PM 00:07:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 979-0797 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.22
4/25/2014 2:55:42 PM 00:02:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 979-0797 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.10
4/25/2014 3:01:18 PM 00:01:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 854-3134 ARVIN, CA ln-LATA1 $0.05
4/25/2014 4:28:48 PM 00:00:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
4/28/2014 7:48:36 AM 00:00:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-665-9627 BAKERFLD S, CA Incoming $0.00
4/28/2014 8:21:24 AM 00:06:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-401-9188 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/28/2014 8:57:06 AM 00:01:54 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-327-5032 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/28/2014 11: 16:54 AM 00:05:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 760-373-2522 CALIF CllY, CA Incoming $0.00
4/28/2014 12:16:54 PM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 325-2836 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
4/28/2014 1:05:24 PM 00:00:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr Incoming $0.00
4/28/2014 1:52:48 PM 00:00:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 444-9672 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
4/28/2014 9:14:06 PM 00:00:54 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-664-7440 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
4/29/2014 7:31:12 AM 00:00:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
9480 Toll Free $0.00
4/29/2014 12:55:00 PM 00:00:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 369-3221 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.00
4/29/2014 1:18:48 PM 00:02:12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 229-3432 DELANO, CA ln-LATA1 $0.08
4/29/2014 3:24:42 PM 00:04:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 331-6976 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.16
4/29/2014 3:33:24 PM 00:01:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-760-373-
CALIF CllY, CA In-State $0.05
4/29/2014 3:45:36 PM 00:10:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 833-7900
CA Local $0.34
4/29/2014 3:55:24 PM 00:18:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 833-7900 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.58 CA
4/30/2014 10:27:00 AM 00:02:00 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-632-6276 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/30/2014 10:31:42 AM 00:05:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 301-5340 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.19
4/30/2014 1:06:00 PM 00:00: 00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 229-3432 DELANO, CA ln-LATA1 $0.00
4/30/2014 2:25:24 PM 00:00:36 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr Incoming $0.00
4/30/2014 3:05:36 PM 00:00: 24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-310-372-
REDONDO, CA In-State $0.03
4/30/2014 3: 10: 36 PM 00:05:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 424-237-5900 REDONDO, CA Incoming $0.00
4/30/2014 3:18:42 PM 00:00: 18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-312-372-
9229 CHIC CZ01C, IL National $0.03
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Counsel Page 7 of 1 0
Start Datcllimc .a Du[atiao Extcosiao Used f!t:[5DDDCI Dilli5iDD C:ade DialedltLI Call Destioatiao tall I¥PC ~
4/30/2014 3:34:30 PM 00:00:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
VISALIA, CA In-State 2965 $0.03
4/30/2014 5:14:24 PM 00:00:36 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-616-2505 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/30/2014 5:52:30 PM 00:00:30 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-342-3222 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
4/30/2014 5:54:00 PM 00:00:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-342-3222 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/1/2014 11:16:00 AM 00:01:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 618-1927 PALMDALE, CA In-State $0.03
5/1/2014 12:56:24 PM 00:00:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-725-5028 DELANO, CA Incoming $0.00
5/2/2014 8:59:12 AM 00:02:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-319-6555 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/5/2014 9:20:24 AM 00:00:36 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-323-9421 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/5/2014 9:53:42 AM 00: 00: 18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 323-9421 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
5/5/2014 2:34:18 PM 00:00:42 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 760-371-4301 RIDGECREST, Incoming $0.00
5/5/2014 3:06:00 PM 00:00:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-302-3186 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/6/2014 11:40:36 AM 00:08:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 401-9188 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.28
5/6/201412:17:12 PM 00:00:48 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-204-3123 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/6/2014 12:25:36 PM 00:00:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 396-2801
BAKERFLD S, Local $0.04
5/6/2014 2:38 :18 PM 00:00:42 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/7/2014 7:14:54 AM 00:00: 06 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr Incoming $0.00
5/7/2014 11:54:12 AM 00:01:48 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 760-371-4301 RIDGECREST, Incoming $0.00
5/7/2014 12:04:48 PM 00:06:12 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 760-371-4301
Incoming $0.00
5/7/2014 12:07:12 PM 00:00:48 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 760-371-4301 RIDGECREST, Incoming $0.00
5/7/2014 12:08:12 PM 00:02:48 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 760-371-4301 CRAID GECREST, Incoming $0.00
5/7/2014 2:22:12 PM 00:00:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
5/8/2014 2:55:18 PM 00:00:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 833-9145
Local $0.04 CA
5/8/2014 3:06:18 PM 00:02:42 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/9/2014 10:48:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-706-3712 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/9/2014 11:20:54 AM 00:00:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 979-4929 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
5/9/2014 11:21:18 AM 00: 11:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 979-9429 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.37
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Counsel Page 8 of 10
Start Date/Time ~ Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code DialedlCLI Call lle5lioatiao Call UP!: .t.lm
5/9/2014 11:42:30 AM 00:04:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-800-524- Toll Free $0.00
5/9/2014 11:47:06 AM 00:02:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.10
5/9/2014 1:19:00 PM 00:01:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 1-818-553- GLENDALE, CA In-State $0.03
5/9/2014 1:19:48 PM 00:16:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr
1-800-767- Toll Free $0.00
5/9/2014 1:42:48 PM 00:02:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 633-5777 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.10
5/9/2014 2:53:12 PM 01:04:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $1.96
5/12/2014 6:03:18 AM 00:00:42 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-303-3290 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/12/2014 7:46:00 AM 00:01:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr Incoming $0.00
5/12/2014 8:07:00 AM 00:00:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-800-1555 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/12/2014 8:38:18 AM 00:01:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
5/12/2014 8:41:30 AM 00:03:30 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 380-9709 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.13
5/12/2014 9:04:54 AM 00:04:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private
1-805-773- PISMOBEACH,
assr 6600 In-State $0.12 CA
5/12/2014 10:36:24 AM 00:03:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private
assr 1500 LACZ 07A, CA In-State $0.10
5/12/2014 10:47:54 AM 00:03:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 589-9473 BAKERFLD N, Local $0.13 CA
5/12/2014 12:09:00 PM 00:01:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 395-7233 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
5/13/2014 7:58:42 AM 00:00:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.03
5/13/2014 10:23:24 AM 00:00:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-833-9995 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
5/13/2014 1:26:24 PM 00:16:36 83315 !Fitch-Private assr 661-833-9995 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00
5/13/2014 3:15:06 PM 00:00:54 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
5/14/2014 6:49:30 AM 00:00:30 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-303-3290 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/15/2014 6:41:30 AM 00:00:30 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-303-3290 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/15/2014 8:34:12 AM 00:03:48 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 326-3720 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.13
5/15/2014 8:55:24 AM 00:01:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 326-3720 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
5/15/2014 10:07:24 AM 00:00:36 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
5/15/2014 1:42:54 PM 00:02:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-205-7607 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/15/2014 1:48:06 PM 00:00:54 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-326-480 5 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
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Counsel Page 9 of 1 0
Start Date/Time .i. Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Dialt:d lCLI Call llt:51:ioatigo Call UPt: .tg.5l:
5/15/2014 2:04:54 PM 00:01:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-326-4805 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/15/2014 2:51:30 PM 00:01:30 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-395-9103 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/15/2014 3:33:36 PM 00:02:24 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 326-3681 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.10
5/16/2014 2:54:54 PM 00:01:06 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
5/16/2014 3:26:00 PM 00: 18:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
FRESNO, CA In-State $0.43
5/18/2014 7:19:42 PM 00:00:18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-323-7111 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/19/2014 7:24:24 AM 00:00:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-863-8000 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/19/2014 8:02:48 AM 00:01:12 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 326-3443 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
5/19/2014 1:44:30 PM 00:00:30 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-868-2146 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/19/2014 2:58:12 PM 00:16:48 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 831-5703 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.52
5/20/2014 8:06:42 AM 00:01:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 326-3443 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.07
5/20/2014 8:08:24 AM 00:00:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 398-5850
BAKERFLD S, Local CA $0.04
5/20/2014 8:10:12 AM 00:01:48 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 398-5850 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.07
5/20/2014 12:18:00 PM 00:09:00 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr
1-800-256- Toll Free $0.00
5/20/2014 3:39:00 PM 00:02:00 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 397-2560 BAKERFLD S, Local $0.07
5/20/2014 3:43:54 PM 00:00:06 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-397-2561
Incoming $0.00
5/20/2014 4:36:54 PM 00:00:06 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-397-2561 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00 CA
5/21/2014 5:17:24 AM 00:00: 36 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-664-7 440 BAKERFLD S, Incoming $0.00 CA
5/21/2014 10:22:54 AM 00:00:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 760-912-9982 VICTORVL, CA Incoming $0.00
5/21/2014 1:55:30 PM 00:00:30 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/21/2014 3:09:48 PM 00: 00: 12 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 1-310-751-
MAR VISTA, CA In-State $0.03
5/21/2014 3:10:18 PM 00:09:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 366-3223 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.31
5/21/2014 3:30:24 PM 00:01:36 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-444-6625 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/22/2014 8:25:54 AM 00:00:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 1-530-458- COLUSA, CA In-State $0.03
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I •
Counsel Page 10 of 10
Start Date/Time ~ Duration Extension Used Personnel Division Code Dialedli:LI tall De=ttioatiao Call :UP!i: ~
5/22/2014 9:21:42 AM 00:01:18 83315 ! Fitch-Private
assr COLUSA,CA In-State $0.05 0456
5/22/2014 3:37:54 PM 00:00:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
5/22/2014 3:39:00 PM 00:01:00 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
5/22/2014 3:40:36 PM 00:19:24 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 661-747-5380 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/22/2014 3:46:54 PM 00:00:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 559-275-7700 FRESNO, CA Incoming $0.00
5/23/2014 8:35:54 AM 00:00:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
5/23/2014 8:55:36 AM 00: 00: 24 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 428-3550 BAKERSFLD, CA Local $0.04
5/23/2014 9:31:42 AM 00:00:18 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 530-742-9709 MARYSVILLE, Incoming $0.00
5/23/2014 10:09:18 AM 00:00:42 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 530-742-9709
MARYSVILLE, Incoming $0.00
5/23/2014 2:47:06 PM 00:00:54 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-327-4424 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/23/2014 3:17:18 PM 00:00:42 83262 Lifquist, Jon
1-818-343- RESEDA,CA In-State $0.03 assr 2762
5/23/2014 3:24:36 PM 01:45:24 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 818-343-2762 RESEDA,CA Incoming $0.00
5/25/2014 3:59:42 AM 00:00:18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-377-8000 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/26/2014 1:21:42 AM 00:00:18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-377-8000 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/26/2014 6:00:42 PM 00:00: 18 83262 Lifquist, Jon assr 661-377-8000 BAKERSFLD, CA Incoming $0.00
5/27/2014 7:47:24 AM 00:00:36 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr Incoming $0.00
5/27/2014 9:07:54 AM 00:01:06 83315 ! Fitch-Private assr 588-1001
BAKERFLD N, Local $0.07 CA
5/27/2014 10:00:36 AM 00:02:24 83243 Esquivias, Lupe assr 661-992-3193 PALMDALE, CA Incoming $0.00
Total Calls 746
Total Duration 32:36:54
Total Cost $40.94
Previous Paqe Next Page Page 3 of 3 First Page Last Page
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Government Code – GOV
( Title 2 enacted by Stats. 1943, Ch. 134. )
DIVISION 1. GENERAL [8000 – 8899.24]
( Division 1 enacted by Stats. 1943, Ch. 134. )
CHAPTER 5. Miscellaneous [8310 – 8317]
( Chapter 5 added by Stats. 1953, Ch. 170. )
(a) It is unlawful for any elected state or local officer, including any state or local appointee, employee, or consultant, to use or permit others to use public resources for a campaign activity, or personal or other purposes which are not authorized by law.
(b) For purposes of this section:
(1) “Personal purpose” means those activities the purpose of which is for personal enjoyment, private gain or advantage, or an outside endeavor not related to state business. “Personal purpose” does not include the incidental and minimal use of public resources, such as equipment or office space, for personal purposes, including an occasional telephone call.
(2) “Campaign activity” means an activity constituting a contribution as defined in Section 82015 or an expenditure as defined in Section 82025. “Campaign activity” does not include the incidental and minimal use of public resources, such as equipment or office space, for campaign purposes, including the referral of unsolicited political mail, telephone calls, and visitors to private political entities.
(3) “Public resources” means any property or asset owned by the state or any local agency, including, but not limited to, land, buildings, facilities, funds, equipment, supplies, telephones, computers, vehicles, travel, and state-compensated time.
(4) “Use” means a use of public resources which is substantial enough to result in a gain or advantage to the user or a loss to the state or any local agency for which a monetary value may be estimated.
(c) (1) Any person who intentionally or negligently violates this section is liable for a civil penalty not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each day on which a violation occurs, plus three times the value of the unlawful use of public resources. The penalty shall be assessed and recovered in a civil action brought in the name of the people of the State of California by the Attorney General or by any district attorney or any city attorney of a city having a population in excess of 750,000. If two or more persons are responsible for any violation, they shall be jointly and severally liable for the penalty.
(2) If the action is brought by the Attorney General, the moneys recovered shall be paid into the General Fund. If the action is brought by a district attorney, the moneys recovered shall be paid to the treasurer of the county in which the judgment was entered. If the action is brought by a city attorney, the moneys recovered shall be paid to the treasurer of that city.
(3) No civil action alleging a violation of this section may be commenced more than four years after the date the alleged violation occurred.
(d) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the use of public resources for providing information to the public about the possible effects of any bond issue or other ballot measure on state activities, operations, or policies, provided that (1) the informational activities are otherwise authorized by the constitution or laws of this state, and (2) the information provided constitutes a fair and impartial presentation of relevant facts to aid the electorate in reaching an informed judgment regarding the bond issue or ballot measure.
(e) The incidental and minimal use of public resources by an elected state or local officer, including any state or local appointee, employee, or consultant, pursuant to this section shall not be subject to prosecution under Section 424 of the Penal Code.
(Amended by Stats. 2003, Ch. 62, Sec. 109. Effective January 1, 2004.)
This is part of the May 23, 2014 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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