By Patric Hedlund, TME
Kern County is the epicenter of valley fever infection and death in California, with the Western Antelope Valley the runner-up. The Coccidioides fungal spores can infect anything that breathes — from dogs, horses, seals and dolphins, to construction workers, children and all the rest of us.
The second annual “Valley Fever—Be Aware” seminar hosted by the Association of Rural Town Councils—Antelope Valley Saturday, June 23 showcased the work of…
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Above: Calfiornia State University at Bakersfield Professor Antje Lauer, Ph.D. has two pilot projects that could help mitigate valley fever risk due to Centennial development.
Merrylou Nelson received awards from legislators for her efforts to alert the public about valley fever. She, with Richard and Susan Zahnter, coordinated Saturday’s valley fever seminar.
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This is part of the June 29, 2018 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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