Cheer team named Grand Champs

  • The Frazier Mountain High School Falcon Cheerleading Team won the Sharp Southern California Cheer Team Championship. In the back are Co-Captain Cody Johnson and Michael Green. In the middle row are  (l-r)Coach Lisa Johnson, Emily Clinard, Kiera Quinto, Sash Johnston, Cassie Page, Captain Kelsi Coito,  Mercy Kowalski, Andrea Cuba, Kirsten Tiedy, Volleyball champs Sarah  and Morgan Bedard, with Caliope Rohrbacher and Brittany Beurer. Cheer alumnae Crosby Finn with Naomi and Rebecca Morris came in to choreograph a routine for the competition. [Sharp Cheer Tournament photo]

    The Frazier Mountain High School Falcon Cheerleading Team won the Sharp Southern California Cheer Team Championship. In the back are Co-Captain Cody Johnson and Michael Green. In the middle row are (l-r)Coach Lisa Johnson, Emily Clinard, Kiera Quinto, Sash Johnston, Cassie Page, Captain Kelsi Coito, Mercy Kowalski, Andrea Cuba, Kirsten Tiedy, Volleyball champs Sarah and Morgan Bedard, with Caliope Rohrbacher and Brittany Beurer. Cheer alumnae Crosby Finn with Naomi and Rebecca Morris came in to choreograph a routine for the competition. [Sharp Cheer Tournament photo]

By Patric Hedlund with Coach Lisa Johnson

The team that works so hard to cheer others to victory has a championship of their own to celebrate. The Frazier Mountain High School Falcon cheerleading team, for the first time in FMHS history, won the Sharp International Southern California Cheerleading Championship.

Lisa Johnson of Lebec, former team mother and now…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)

Photo captions:

The stunt routines won first place in the Sharp tournament. Left: Brittany Beurer, Emily Clinard and Kirsten Tiedy lift Caliope Rohrbacher. Right: Cassie Page, Michael Green and Mercy Kowalski are watched by a Sharp judge as they lift Kiera Quinto.

The Frazier Mountain High School Falcon Cheerleading Team won the Sharp Southern California Cheer Team Championship. In the back are Co-Captain Cody Johnson and Michael Green. In the middle row are (l-r)Coach Lisa Johnson, Emily Clinard, Kiera Quinto, Sash Johnston, Cassie Page, Captain Kelsi Coito, Mercy Kowalski, Andrea Cuba, Kirsten Tiedy, Volleyball champs Sarah and Morgan Bedard, with Caliope Rohrbacher and Brittany Beurer. Cheer alumnae Crosby Finn with Naomi and Rebecca Morris came in to choreograph a routine for the competition.

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This is part of the March 20, 2015 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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