A quick guide to Mountain Community Christmas services
Calvary Chapel
Join us for Christmas Eve worship services, 7 p.m. at Cuddy Hall (335 Lakewood Place, Lake of the Woods) on December 24. Refreshments will be served after the services. Please call 661.248.6868 for details.
Crossway Bible Church
December 20 services were held with Christmas carols, a teen Chime Choir, prayer, and bible study. Services are regularly held at Frazier Park School (661.245.2256 / 3149 San Carlos Trail, FP,).
Frazier Mountain
Community Church
December 20 Christmas services were held. Christmas Eve candlelight service is at 5 p.m. December 24. Services will be held at Frazier Mountain High School (661.245.6391).
Greater Mountain
Our Christmas program was on Dec. 20 at 10 a.m. with a potluck lunch (3824 Park Drive, Frazier Park).
Pine Mountain
Christian Community Church
All are invited to join us for our Christmas Eve candlelight service at 7 p.m. December 24. A special Christmas sermon was offered with caroling and music on December 20 (16301 Askin Drive, Pine Mountain Village). Call
661.242.1025 for information.
Lebec Community Church
Christmas services were celebrated December 20 (2350 Lebec Rd., Lebec). Call 661.248.6117 for further information.
Our Lady of the Snows Catholic Church
Christmas Eve community singing December 24 is at 8:30 p.m., followed by mass at 9 p.m. Christmas Day masses are at 9 and 11 a.m. (7115 Lakewood Drive, Lake of the Woods, 661.245.3741). All are invited!
Shepherd of the
Mountains Lutheran Church
Join us for our Christmas Eve candlelight service at 7 p.m. December 25 service will be held at 10 a.m. (6700 Lakewood Drive, Lake of the Woods).
Call 661.245.3858.
South Kern Christian Church
South Kern Christian Church wishes encouragement to the Mountain Communities in the new year (3442 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park / 661.248.1100).
Reflexion 47
Regularly scheduled services will be held December 27 at 10:33 a.m. with Senior Pastor Eddie Ryan at 729 Pomona Trail, Frazier Park (661.245.3334).
Merry Christmas to all!
This is part of the December 25, 2015 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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