By Gary Meyer, TME
Was there a time when real estate markets were free from dishonest dealers?
Probably not.
But the telling of this story is needed to alert homebuyers to the possibility that numerous parties aware of a problem with a property may choose to keep it secret.
Names and blame are not the point of this tale—maybe that can come another day. For now, the names have been changed and the specific location left out.
Once upon a time, “Billy” bought a lot and built a cottage. Then Billy sold it to a buyer who lived in the cottage for about six years.
The cottage that Billy built was sold and resold until “Obie” bought it and owned it for 14 years.
Then Obie sold it to “Karina” who was ecstatic to be living in beautiful Pine Mountain Club where she could retire after a life of service helping people in their most difficult hours. She also purchased the adjoining lot for open space.
Karina couldn’t be happier. She had just enough to get by, and was content to live out her years on only what she needed.
How sweet it was…or would have been…if only everyone had played by the rules.
Six and a half years after Karina purchased her dream home, a 10+ year drought came to its end and…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)
Photo captions:
Underground springs that rose and flooded a Pine Mountain Club woman’s home
Water gushes from a large drain that originates underground, across the street, 90 feet away, at ‘Karina’s’ home
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This is part of the June 30, 2023 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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