Our District 23 U.S. Congressman Kevin McCarthy is presently serving as Majority Whip in the House of Representatives. On June 19 McCarthy’s colleagues voted for him to become the next House Majority Leader. Former Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) lost his seat in Congress in the June election. Voters said Cantor lost touch with his own home district. He leaves July 30. Here is McCarthy’s statement:
Growing up in our [Bakersfield] community, I’ve learned the value of hard work. You should always be the first in the room and the last to leave. Decisions will be made with or without you, so you should always have a seat at the table.
As I serve as your U.S. Representative, I am humbled to have this new opportunity at the leadership table to ensure that our common sense values are represented in Washington and to make D.C. respond to the priorities of Californians.
I have continued to advance legislation and solutions that directly deal with our area’s pressing issues, from bringing more water to our valley by reversing harmful government policies that are exacerbating the worst drought in a century, to stopping any more federal money from being directed to high-speed rail and ensuring that the Central Valley remains a leading energy producer in this nation.
I have also worked to provide regulatory relief to our growing aerospace industry and have advocated for the development of a vaccine and cure for Valley Fever. I will continue to highlight cutting-edge research and development by our proud men and women serving at our military installations at Edwards and China Lake.
After years of investigations and legislation, I will not rest until we reform the broken VA system that has failed to care for those who have fought so valiantly for our country.
I have lived my entire life right here. It is where I met my wife and raised our children in the first house we ever bought, and it is where I learned my conservative values. It is with great pride and humility that I have been entrusted to serve on your behalf every day. I believe strongly in our country’s ability to overcome any challenge and I will continue to work in Congress to fight for solutions to help our neighbors and our communities.
This is part of the June 27, 2014 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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