Deep Dives Into The Archives: ‘Pyramid Lake – A Recreational Jewel At Our Doorstep’ (1974)

  • RECREATION FACILITIES – At the north end of the lake, reached by way of Hungry Valley Road, millions of dollars are being spent on establishing a boating, swimming, picknicking, fishing and recreation area. The lighter square patch in the left center is sand, hauled to the site and spread to provide a swimming beach that will rival the finest. In the right center you can see the four lanes of the old Highway 99 dropping off under the waters of the lake. Eventually this entire section of the road will be submerged. Extensive parking facilities, boat launching ramps and other facilities will be included, and this is only the first recreational development at the lake. Others are planned for future years.

    RECREATION FACILITIES – At the north end of the lake, reached by way of Hungry Valley Road, millions of dollars are being spent on establishing a boating, swimming, picknicking, fishing and recreation area. The lighter square patch in the left center is sand, hauled to the site and spread to provide a swimming beach that will rival the finest. In the right center you can see the four lanes of the old Highway 99 dropping off under the waters of the lake. Eventually this entire section of the road will be submerged. Extensive parking facilities, boat launching ramps and other facilities will be included, and this is only the first recreational development at the lake. Others are planned for future years.

Curated by Samantha Smith TME

 In March of 1974, The Mountain Enterprise announced the formal opening date for the Pyramid Lake.

1974—If anyone ever says to you again that…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)

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This is part of the February 16, 2024 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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