November 6 seemed to take forever to get here. Now most results are in. School board totals are not yet certified.
El Tejon Unified School District Trustees
(results may take several weeks to be certified.)
Four Year Terms (top three win 3 open seats)
John Fleming 1,294
Vickie Mullen 1,099
Lark Shillig 1,085
Linda Sheldon 882
Bob Anderson 605
Two-Year Term (top candidate wins 1 open seat)
Scott Robinson 1,424
Dean Crabb 428
Timothy Schantzen 302
California Propositions Yes No
Prop 30 Brown school tax 53.9% 46.1%
Prop 31 Two-year budget 39.2% 60.8%
Prop 32 Political donations 43.9% 56.1%
Prop 33 Auto insurance 45.4% 54.6%
Prop 34 Death penalty 47.2% 52.8%
Prop 35 Human trafficking 81.1% 18.9%
Prop 36 Three strikes law 68.6% 31.4%
Prop 37 GMO food labels 46.9% 53.1%
Prop 38 Munger school tax 27.7% 72.3%
Prop 39 Multistate businesses 60.1% 39.9%
Prop 40 Senate districts 71.4% 28.6%
South West Health Care District (Four-year term)
Linda Sheldon uncontested
Frazier Park Public Utility District (Four-year term)
Gerald Garcia uncontested
Gerald W. McKay uncontested
Presidential race
Obama / Biden (D) 303 Electoral Votes
Romney / Ryan (R) 206 Electoral Votes
U.S. Senator
Dianne Feinstein, Dem. 61.4%
Elizabeth Emken, Rep. 38.6%
District 23 U.S. Congressional Race
Kevin McCarthy, Rep. 73.8%
Terry Phillips, Ind. 26.2%
District 34 State Assembly
Shannon Grove, Rep. 70.2%
Mari Goodman, Dem. 29.8%
Congratulations to all who voted. Kern County reported a voting turnout of 51%, as of Wednesday afternoon, November 7. We salute all those in the Mountain Communities who proudly wore their “I voted” sticker on Tuesday, Nov. 6.
This is part of the November 09, 2012 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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