Martinez' family at his funeral. Nelson Martinez died instantly May 13 when a five ton Hall Ambulance Service truck with its engine running was taken by Kristina Foss Fort. The panicked woman suffering repetitive seizures was fleeing EMTs when she collided with Martinez’ truck. [photo by Patric Hedlund]
By Patric Hedlund
The wind was blowing across the hillside above North Chapel at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Burbank on Saturday evening.
The funeral was for Nelson Martinez. He is the big rig driver who died in our community when a runaway Hall Ambulance traveling at about 90 miles per hour crashed into his truck on Frazier Mountain Park Road. The accident took two lives in…
Photo captions:
Left: Handsome Nelson Martinez died instantly May 13 when a five ton Hall Ambulance Service truck with its engine running was taken by Kristina Foss Fort. The panicked woman suffering repetitive seizures was fleeing EMTs when she collided with Martinez’ truck.
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This is part of the May 29, 2015 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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