Fear of deportation grips rural California community

By Daniel Schwartz, TME

New laws and executive orders related to immigration and deportation have resulted in widespread fear and trepidation throughout the heavily immigrant population of Arvin, a rural community located roughly forty miles north of Frazier Park.

According to a recent census, Arvin has a population of roughly 20,000 residents, although Mayor Olivia Calderon says the real total is closer to 25,000. The community offers numerous businesses owned and operated by local residents, and has its own city government…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)

Photo captions:

Above left: Faro Church Pastor Angela Vasquez in front of the church in Arvin; Right: La Raza market owner Antonio Salvador Gomez Moreno in front of his Arvin store

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This is part of the March 21, 2025 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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