For the first time that anyone could remember, maybe nine years or longer, the $100 first-prize marked trout was finally caught during the Fiesta Days Fishing Derby…but it never would have happened if six-year-old Jameson had not begged his grandpa to get up early to enter the fishing derby down at Frazier Mountain Park pond.
Three generations tumbled out of bed Sunday morning at 5:30 to get to the Fiesta Days Derby by 6 a.m. “We were on time,” remembers Jeff Robison. “I’ve never fished the tournament. I got the fish just after we’d started. I caught it really quickly. At first I didn’t even know it was the big winner. It feels great to win. It made my grandson proud.
“The Trinity group [formerly known as TXI in Lockwood Valley] put the derby on. They were all volunteers and they were really nice. I feel like a real lucky guy. That is the first time I have won a contest with a prize,” Robison laughed.
Daniel Dunker of Piñon Pines, Mark Mathis (manager of the Trinity plant) and his wife Rose made everyone feel welcome, having fun in this Mountain Memories fundraiser. —P. Hedlund
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This is part of the August 9, 2013 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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