Fiesta Days will be hot – are you hydrated? Follow these safety guidelines

By Charlotte Richmond, PhD

As we all look forward to the 3-day festivities of Fiesta Days, please don’t forget that temperatures will be in the mid-80s, which means there could be a risk for hyperthermia (over heating).

Make sure that you drink plenty of water before, during, and after being in the sun. Typically, our bodies need 6-8 8oz glasses a day, but when we are outdoors in the heat, we need even more water.

Remember that alcohol and caffeine act as diuretics (depletes water from your body, which then increases body temperature), so please make sure you drink plenty of water if you will be drinking beer, coffee, and soda.

Remember the symptoms of heat stress:
• Thirsty
• Headache
• Nausea
• Dizziness
• Weakness
• Irritability
• Heavy sweating
• Elevated body temperature

If you or the person you are with begin to feel these symptoms, lie down in a cool place, remove excessive clothing, loosen tight clothing, cool by fanning and moisten skin, take frequent small drinks of water (if not nauseated), and monitor for the increase in symptoms. Watch babies and children for these symptoms too.

Mountain Communities CERT will have a First Aid booth with a cooling center – so if you feel these symptoms, please come by the First Aid booth.

This is part of the July 29, 2022 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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