Image 1 of 12
The fire climbs a dry pine tree just east of Texas Trail. [photo by Gary Meyer]Image 2 of 12
The fire climbs a dry pine tree just east of Texas Trail. [photo by Gary Meyer]Image 3 of 12
Scott Robinson sent this photo of the fire being extinguished by Kern County helicopter 408 plus ground crews in Frazier Park. (4:40 p.m. appx)Image 4 of 12
Chris Krawczyk waters down his neighbor's yard at the east end of Nebraska Trail. [photo by Gary Meyer]Image 5 of 12
Fire fighters knock down the flames in the early stages of the fire. [photo by Gary Meyer]Image 6 of 12
Fire fighters knock down the flames in the early stages of the fire. [photo by Gary Meyer]Image 7 of 12
Fire fighters knock down the flames in the early stages of the fire. [photo by Gary Meyer]Image 8 of 12
A wide view of the fire on the west end of the Tait Ranch property. [photo by Gary Meyer]Image 9 of 12
Residents on Texas Trail take a closer look at the flames as they climb into a pine tree. [photo by Gary Meyer]Image 10 of 12
Kern County Helicopter 408 drops water from the Tait Ranch pond. [photo by Gary Meyer]Image 11 of 12
Helicopter 408 made about nine water drops on the fire. [photo by Gary Meyer]Image 12 of 12
Community reporters were out to catch the action. [photo by Gary Meyer]
This was a breaking news report from Friday, March 21.
UPDATE—FRAZIER PARK, CA (Friday, March 21, 2014 at 4:49 p.m.)—Firefighters asked for “one more pass” by the helicopter for a water drop from Quail Lake. The fire has been effectively controlled. The cause has not yet been determined. Crews were expected to remain on scene for another hour or two.
The air tanker and one other helicopter were determined unnecessary and did not appear.
Thanks to community reporters from Coffee Cantina, “John” in Lebec and Scott Robinson, as well as Gary Meyer from The Mountain Enterprise for alerts, photos and reporting on this close call.
Remember please, create defensible space around your homes. Hazard reduction deadline is June 15, but all Mountain Community homeowners should be clearing their property now.—Patric Hedlund
UPDATE—FRAZIER PARK, CA (Friday, March 21, 2014 at 4:29 p.m.)—A tanker and two helicopters are confirmed to have been requested and should be on the scene within about 5 minutes, firefighters report.
Remember to press ‘reload (control R)’ on your computer to see the latest update report on this page.
UPDATE—FRAZIER PARK, CA (Friday, March 21, 2014 at 4:25 p.m.)—Firefighters have climbed to the top of the ridge with hoses. The fire is designated as “contained.” The Aircraft will still be coming, The Mountain Enterprise reporter has been told.
UPDATE—FRAZIER PARK, CA (Friday, March 21, 2014 at 4:20 p.m.)—Emergency control confirms the helicopter and air tanker will be sent. Firefighters estimate that two acres have burned so far.
UPDATE—FRAZIER PARK, CA (Friday, March 21, 2014 at 4:14 p.m.)—Firefighters have the origin place of the fire under control but there are still spot fire flames burning up the ridge. A helicopter and an air tanker have been called for by Station 57 personnel. Those have not yet arrived.
FRAZIER PARK, CA (Friday, March 21, 2014 at 4 p.m.)—A series of ‘spot fires’ are climbing up the ridge between Tait Ranch, southeast of Frazier Park, just below the houses off of the “state name” roads (such as Idaho and Illinois) adjacent to East End Drive. Engine 57 is finding its way to the ravine where the fire started. We will post updates shortly.
This is part of the March 14, 2014 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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