For the Record

LOW Water Company Election

Last week The Mountain Enterprise printed an ad for the Lake of the Woods Mutual Water Company that was mistitled and carried misleading information. Stockholders who wish to run for a board position for the Lake of the Woods Mutual Water Company are asked to submit a letter of intent postmarked by March 21, 2012 to Lake of the Woods Mutual Water Company, 7025 Cuddy Valley Road, Suite F, Frazier Park, CA 93225 or hand deliver it to 7025 Cuddy Valley Road, #F in Lake of the Woods by March 21, 2012.

Homeschoolers and ETUSD

Next week we will continue a dialogue about leadership and El Tejon Unified School District’s marketing problems. In the meantime, we wish to confirm for readers that reference to homeschoolers in last week’s editorial “Where’s the Plan?” was intended only to illustrate the point that public schools need leadership and a bold plan for excellence to lure back homeschoolers with involved parents.

This is part of the March 09, 2012 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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