FPPUD pending lawsuits on proposed Well #8

  • Above: Proposed site for Well No. 8 (see black box), per complaint prepared by FPPUD’s legal counsel on January 18, 2024

    Above: Proposed site for Well No. 8 (see black box), per complaint prepared by FPPUD’s legal counsel on January 18, 2024

By Daniel Schwartz, TME

On December 14, 2023, the Board of Directors for Frazier Park Public Utility District (“FPPUD”) signed a Resolution of Necessity, authorizing the District to acquire a quarter acre well site adjacent to Frazier Mountain Park Rd. (APN # 255-320-28).

The resolution states that FPPUD provides water services to residential and commercial customers of Frazier Park from two water supply wells: Well No. 5 and Well No. 6. Well No. 5 well casings began to fail in 2018; the casings were patched with steel in 2018, which reduced the well’s capacity.

The District said that Well No. 5 was likely to fail in the foreseeable future, and it was a necessity to construct a new well (Well No. 8) on the quarter acre parcel.

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Photo captions:

Above: Proposed site for Well No. 8 (see black box), per complaint prepared by FPPUD’s legal counsel on January 18, 2024

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This is part of the September 20, 2024 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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