Curated by Gary Meyer, TME
First below is an excerpt from Bonnie Ketterl Kane’s upcoming new book about our mountain area. Bonnie is the director of Ridge Route Communities Museum in Frazier Park. See their ad on page 2. This excerpt is about the medical clinic that existed in Frazier Park for only a few years, San Carlos Trail is, today, a paved road because it required paving in 1960 for clinic patients to reach or be brought to the facility.
“Just above the new school, the “Pino Llano” (Pine Flats) subdivision, at the top of San Carlos Trail, had been added to Frazier Park. The fellow that owned the old lumber store and a lumber mill at the base of…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)
Photo captions:
NEW ROAD—The new road leading from the country highway to the Frazier Park Medical Center located in Pine Flats, receives the finishing touches as the roller makes its final trip. The road is approximately one-half mile long and give injured patients a safer access to the medical center.
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This is part of the March 15, 2024 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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