Frazier Park’s first firehouse?

Curated by Gary Meyer, TME

Did this sketch in a 1967 edition of The Mountain Enterprise depict Frazier Park’s first firehouse?


In 1969, The Mountain Enterprise reprinted a 1939 article from an earlier local newspaper.

“The following is an article written by Pat Slater for the Ridge Route Rambler and appeared in that paper on August 8, 1939. The article casts some light on the subject [of the firehouse] among others…”

Frazier Mountain Park’s “original storekeeper” and fire chief is Charles B. Fife. Born in Oakland, California, he lived there and in Berkeley until 1912 when he moved to Fresno. He married while living at Fresno and went to Bakersfield in 1917.

When Mr. Fife built his store in 1925, there were…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)

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This is part of the March 29, 2024 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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