By Bonnie Kane,
Historian and Co-Founder,
Ridge Route Communities Museum & Historical Society
As the Ridge Route Communities Museum (RRCM) begins to return to normal, following the past two years of very limited public activity, we would like to report on the busy winter we have had. This is my update for the community on our many improvements over the winter months… and especially our need to get rid of our huge piles of dirt!
• This month’s annual Pine Needle Basket Weaving class brought out a record number of people. We held two classes, and still had waiting lists.
• Two tours of the famous Old Ridge Route Road are planned and we are looking forward to our very popular “Programs on the Patio” this July, especially our now annual, very enjoyable, theatrical production of “Heap of Living.” That is a reader’s theater event (complete with costumes) of one family’s life in our mountains from the 1860’s to about 1915.
• Watch for improvements to the “barn property” to the west of the museum, which RRCM has recently leased for storage and parking. Additionally, we welcome calls from anyone who could use some free dirt! We have a great deal of it to remove, so if you’re in need, please call 661.245.7747.
Infrastructure Grant: Just In Time
Late in 2021, the museum received a…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)
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The iconic red barn on the property newly acquired by Ridge Route Communities Museum. Exciting plans are brewing for expanding the museum offerings beyond its current location.
The Heap of Livin’ Readers Theater showcase on the RRCM patio in July 2021 featured the Wild Mountain Thyme Celtic group providing period music; Tim Ryan, Sandy Ryan, Lynne Shane and Sarah-Jane Owen; Heap of Livin’ actors were Don Billesbach, Kevin Woten, David Stenstrom, Jim Mason and Steve Jay; Kaylin Paschall, Bethel Billesbach, Bonnie Kane, Diana Andrews, Barbara Bouman Jay and Debra Manoogian.
‘Heap of Living’ regales us with stories of the adventurous pioneers of our region’s past.
‘Saturday Evenings on the Patio’ are a delightful way to enjoy the summertime warmth, and learn interesting things!
The ‘Great American Yard Sale’ is held at RRCM each fall.
Bonnie Ketterl (Kane), Andrea Kiesner and Mike Westmoreland in 1976, canoeing on Frazier Mountain Park pond during Fiesta Days model sailboat races.
Three of the (many) talents of RRCM’s historian Bonnie Kane include story teller, muddy patio sweeper and enjoyer of all Frazier Park has to offer, throughout the decades.
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This is part of the April 1, 2022 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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