By Dave Reiner, Frazier Park
Kern County has committed to preparations for El Niño this year. We may have big problems in these Mountain Communities. We must all prepare our homes, cars and pets for the weather.
Your Home
If you have not sandbagged areas around your home that are a problem for you, it may not be too late. Sand is still available at Cuddy Hall, Lebec at the southbound I-5 exit, and Pine Mountain Club station 58. But bags are no longer available at the fire stations.
Filling and laying out sand bags is not…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)
Photo captions:
Left, above: The littlest workers moved a lot of sand at Sandbag Saturday. Two dump trucks dropped loads of sand for residents to use in filling sandbags. Free bags were provided by Kern County and distributed at fire stations throughout the mountain area.
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This is part of the December 25, 2015 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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