Gorman drug rehab goes dark

  • photo by Gary Meyer, The Mountain Enterprise

    photo by Gary Meyer, The Mountain Enterprise

By Gary Meyer, TME

Calls began coming in to The Mountain Enterprise two weeks ago…

”Have you heard the Gorman drug treatment center was raided?”

“Did you hear they took him away in handcuffs?”

“There were unmarked vehicles with men in suits.”

“I heard he was arrested for insurance fraud. Is that true?”

None of the above could be confirmed by this newspaper.

But there have been interesting things happening involving Lake Hughes Recovery (LHR) in Gorman, and First Responders First on Pine Canyon Road near Neenach south of Highway 138.

After the rumors began, we started looking for real information.

On Tuesday, July 16, we located a State of California…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)

Photo captions:

On Thursday, July 11, the Lake Hughes Recovery facility in Gorman remained locked and apparently empty.

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This is part of the July 26, 2024 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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