UPDATE-FRAZIER PARK (Thursday, Dec. 30, 1 p.m.)—Skies are clear today, but ice is slippery on shady sections of raodways. Most roads are plowed and cindered. Motorists are advised to drive slowly and to be wary of nearly invisible patches of black ice, which can cause you to unexpectedly lose control. Highway 138 was closed at about midnight last night when a big rig hit black ice and jackknifed, causing a multi-vehicle accident. Three people were reported to have been sent to the hospital. The road is again open.
UPDATE-FRAZIER PARK (Wednesday, Dec. 29 at 10:30 p.m.)—Ice and light snow are on roads at higher elevations now. CHP is working to slow traffic using "round robins." At 10:21 p.m. they report moderate snow with "light sticking." Snow begins at the Smokey Bear exit. At Lavall Road, a large pothole is reported to have developed which poses a traffic hazard.
Drive slowly and carefully. Dropping temperatures are expected through the night.
UPDATE-FRAZIER PARK (Wednesday, Dec. 29 at 7:30 a.m.)—Temperatures have suddenly dropped. Winds are still high. Rain may turn to snow and ice. Please use caution in driving. Drive slowly. Use four wheel/all-wheel drive and snow tires or chains where needed. No incidents are reported at this time on the Grapevine.
FRAZIER PARK (Wednesday, Dec. 29 at 6:30 a.m.)—High winds are gusting in parts of the Mountain Communities this morning, wtih rain, but temperatures are not yet low enough for the snow being forecast by the National Weather Service. Motorists who drive slowly and carefully will find clear roads at this time. On the Interstate 5, California Highway Patrol notes no closures or events on the Grapevine.
There was a car on the shoulder near Lake Hughes Road north of Castaic, because of fog. There are also some roads closed in Bakersfield due to fog.
This is part of the December 24, 2010 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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