By Gary Meyer, TME
There was a lot of excitement in downtown Frazier Park on Tuesday, Aug. 14, all over a bad guy with a lust for a power tool he didn’t want to pay for.
At 5:09 p.m., the surveillance video shows, a man pulled a $180 Makita driver-drill set from a shelf at Ace…
Photo captions:
Right: A man in a red cap and blue shirt who took a Makita driver-drill set from Ace Hardware on Tuesday, Aug. 14 slipped out without paying. Above: The man ran, then hid. Several CHP units and neighbors searched the area. Residents called The Mountain Enterprise to ask what was going on, and why there were so many uniformed officers spreading out around the Dollar General Store. One woman was so concerned about safety, she gathered up her son and left Frazier Park, heading west.
Right: The Makita driver-drill set that was stolen was similar to this one. Has anyone tried to sell you an item like this?
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This is part of the August 17, 2018 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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