Double click on the image for a larger form to print out and submit with your entry to the photo contest. Don't forget the opportunity for a free Photo Safari with professional photographers to the Tejon Ranch Conservancy. See the story to submit your name right away to (give your name, age and phone number so they can give you the details).
Free Photo Safari Training on Tejon Ranch
A brand new opportunity is being offered this year. Two professional photographers will take 20 young people on a Photo Safari of Tejon Ranch, hosted by the Mountain Youth Photo Contest and Scot Pipkin of the Tejon Ranch Conservancy.
Date: November 15
Time: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Photo Guides: Lori Murphy and Victoria Martin
How to qualify: email your name, age and telephone to today
The Mountain Youth Photo Contest
If you are a young person from six to 18 years old, you are invited to join in the Mountain Youth Photo Contest for 2015. See the rules and submission form below.
Cash prizes will be given for the best three photos in three age level categories.
The deadline for submitting your contest photo is November 28.
The Artworks Community Gallery in Pine Mountain Village, the Friends of the Frazier Park Library and The Mountain Enterprise invite you to enjoy sharing your vision and developing your talent.
Professional photographer Mel Weinstein and his wife Kathy began the contest. It is being carried forward, with their help, by the Friends of the Library and other partners.
Submit your photo with this form. Be sure you and your parent or guardian fill it out fully and sign it.
This is part of the October 30, 2015 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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