How to protest the trash pickup fee

  • Gary Meyer photo

    Gary Meyer photo

By Cheryl Goldburg and Gary Meyer, TME
More than 160 Frazier Park and Lake of the Woods residents filled the community center at the park on Thursday, Oct. 19 to voice their concerns about…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)

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A guide to protest letters and your right to refuse purchase of the fee-based service

When asked how many were opposed to the proposed mandatory trash pickup service and the $560 fee, of the 160 people in the room, all but one or two raised their hands. But not everyone paid attention to the process for opposing the fee-based service that would be required. Read this article to understand exactly how to file your protest if you oppose the proposal.

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This is part of the October 27, 2023 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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