Jim Schaffer Trial Date Set

  • James Schaffer

    James Schaffer

By Gary Meyer and P. Hedlund

Lebec resident James Schaffer, formerly a musician with a local gospel band who played in churches throughout Southern California, is scheduled to stand trial Monday, March 16 on three felony counts of lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age.

Schaffer was arrested December 7, 2006 after an investigation by the Kern County Sheriff’s Department brought forward several alleged victims.

Charges had been temporarily dropped and then reinstated when additional witnesses were found who were willing to come forward. Prosecutors said getting witnesses and their families to testify is often a difficulty of such cases.

Parents who have contacted The Mountain Enterprise independently of each other have mentioned an alleged pattern involving Schaffer and young females in Lebec. Separate reports have corroborated Schaffer offering horseback riding lessons to girls in the hills surrounding the area as a pretense for alleged misconduct. One father, whose child will be a witness, called this newspaper to say his family is motivated to testify to prevent additional children from being victimized.

Schaffer responded politely to a reporter’s calls for his reply to these comments, but said he had been advised to refer questions to his attorney.

The trial is scheduled for 9 a.m. in California Superior Court Metro Division, 1415 Truxtun Avenue in Bakersfield.

This is part of the January 23, 2009 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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