Kern County Blueprint Program (Kern COG)

Download the results from the Kern County Blueprint workshops and see what your own community’s participants decided are the important factors for future development here in the Mountain Communities. Compare the local results here in the Mountain Communities with results from the countywide series of workshops:

Phase 1 Frazier Park Session (April, 2007) Summary Report

Phase 2 Kern County (May, 2008) Summary Report

From The Mountain Pioneer, July, 2008:
Remember When Kern COG Came to Town?
The Mountain Pioneer Staff

On December 11, 2007 the Kern Council of Governments (Kern COG) made its second visit to Frazier Park to “get” information from Mountain Communities residents, as opposed to giving it. Now they hope you will support the vision being developed from that data.
About 45 people attended the first meeting in April. At the December 11 event, Kern COG’s report says 17 people participated (although we counted 25).

Participants were asked to use a card game to gauge the priority each participant placed on various long-range planning principles. For example, they asked participants to judge how important the principle of enhanced economic vitality is to the community, using a rating system based on the suits in a deck of cards. Most felt that this principle would have a major effect on the community.

Most participants felt that principles of efficient development and/or mixed land use (e.g., residential units above downtown businesses) would have a major effect on the community, although nearly half felt these would have a small or no effect.

A clear majority felt that providing a variety of housing choices would have only a small effect. Single family homes were their preference.
A large majority said provision of adequate services, such as health, recreation and cultural (arts and sports) venues, would have a major effect.
Most felt that improving existing community assets and infrastructure would have a major effect.

Back in 2007, in the good ol’ days before $4.60 a gallon gasoline, most said the principle of providing a variety of transportation choices would have little or no effect on the community.

A firm majority said conserving energy and natural resources, along with developing alternatives, would have a major effect.
The strongest majority said that conserving undeveloped land and open spaces would have a major effect on the community—and is a major value.

Most cited poor representation of the community at the state and county level. They recognized that a unified voice, through a unified group, is needed to increase influence and would have a major impact on the community. They said apathy is a big problem.

Two participants noted that important principles were missing from the process:
1) air pollution from Interstate 5 and, 2) the price of gasoline.

Participants were then asked to select one of four scenarios representing their preference for change in the Mountain Communities: Major Change, Moderate Change, Some Change or No Change. The majority chose Some Change and the minority chose Major Change.

Kern COG staff report they received these additional comments: 1) The effect of peak oil in the decades ahead will change our world irrevocably;  2) Scarcity of water and lack of political will to preserve this unique area will change our lives; 3) The social effects of immigration (not a negative) need to be discussed; 4) We don’t want any more growth, compact or otherwise; 5) This is just another waste of taxpayers dollars and will end up as a report collecting dust on a shelf.

Kern COG has been invited by the Mountain Communities Town Council to deliver their final Blueprint Report for Kern County and answer questions from the community.. The proposed date for that event is August 21, 7 p.m. at Cuddy Hall.  Watch The Mountain Enterprise and this web page for confirmation of that date and time.

This is part of the January 31, 2025 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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