Lawsuit over Tejon Ranch’s Centennial project settled

  • [Top: photo by Climate Resolve; (above) artist's rendering of the proposed entry to Centennial at Tejon Ranch]

    [Top: photo by Climate Resolve; (above) artist's rendering of the proposed entry to Centennial at Tejon Ranch]

Agreement spotlights ‘zero greenhouse gases’ and ‘wildfire prevention’ measures

By Gary Meyer, TME

Tejon Ranch Company and Los Angeles-based nonprofit Climate Resolve have settled a lawsuit against Tejon’s Centennial development and the County of Los Angeles, according to announcements from both parties.

Climate Resolve had argued that the County of Los Angeles violated the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) by approving the Centennial development with false claims in an environmental impact report.

As part of the December 1 settlement, Climate Resolve has agreed to “dismiss with prejudice its claim that the County of Los Angeles” violated …(please see below to view full stories and photographs)

Photo captions:

Above: A Climate Resolve photo shows the grasslands habitat presently on the proposed Centennial site.

Above: Tejon Ranch’s rendering to show their concept of the proposed entry to Centennial.

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This is part of the December 10, 2021 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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