By Patric Hedlund
The Lebec County Water District had a special presentation from Tejon Ranch scheduled on their agenda last week. At the last minute LCWD sent out a “correction,” to say the presentation would be by the Tejon-Castac Water District.
The confusion is easy to understand. There is very little daylight detectable between the Tejon Ranch Company and the public water water district. In part, that is because there is very little public about the TCWD, except that it has been a good tool for channeling water-related public resources to…
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This area is being referred to as the Castac Basin.
These are two ways to look at the same groundwater basin system that supplies nearly all the Mountain Communities east of the Mil Potrero ‘Y.’ Tejon Ranch wants to set up a management agency for the eastern sector.
Civil Engineer Dee Jaspar illustrated talks last year about the Frazier Park-Lake of the Woods annexation with reminders that…
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This is part of the March 24, 2017 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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