Paired California condors #206 and #513 perch atop the condor capture facility on Hopper Mountain National Wildlife Refuge. For the third year in a row the public has the unique opportunity to get up-close-and-personal with a California condor chick through livestreaming video of a California condor nest. The chick, 50-days-old today, and its parents live in the remote mountains near Hopper Mountain National Wildlife Refuge in Ventura County, California. Credit: Stephanie Herrera/USFWS
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Pacific Southwest Region
California, Nevada and Klamath Basin
Welcome! You can watch the Devils Gate condor webcam located in Los Padres National Forest, one of the first webcams to stream live video of California condors nesting in the wild. This recently installed nest camera located near the Hopper Mountain National Wildlife Refuge in southern California, will be streaming continuously throughout the year.
“Webcam viewers will see the rich social interactions of these intelligent birds, such as the two adults sharing parental duties, and their interactions with each other and the chick,” said Dr. Estelle Sandhaus, director of conservation and research at the Santa Barbara Zoo. “Condor chicks actually engage in ‘play,’ by pouncing on and grabbing feathers and sticks, for instance. It’s a thrill to watch the chick grow, learn, and play under the watchful eyes of its dedicated parents.”
(click this link to see the live video).
This is part of the May 26, 2017 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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