By Patric Hedlund, TME
The Mountain Strong spirit swept across our local towns this week, even as businesses began closing their doors, putting signs in their windows referring to Covid-19, the disease that has altered human life around the planet.
The 10-Year Week
Though it may seem as if a decade has already elapsed, pinch yourself. I checked the calendar. It really is just one week since Governor Gavin Newsom issued his March 19 order directing all California residents “to just stay at home.”
People are pulling together with…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)
Photo captions:
Lynette Lame is one of the Masked Scrappers (from the Pine Mountain Scrappers Quilt Guild) who pulled out their sewing machines and went to work to help protect the men and women who are responding to the medical crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic that is closing in on Caifornia.
Linda Robredo of the Blue Rose Pet Salon in Frazier Park is handy with a sewing machine. She is making masks that have a pocket into which an N95 respirator can be inserted. She sells her masks for $10 each.
(Left) Anjie Bella Osa Hernandez from Bakersfield loves the Scrappers Quilt Guild and used to come up to their meetings before the ‘social isolation’ mandate.This is the first mask she made. (Right) Liz Bucrhroeder hard at work. ‘It is more complicated than it looks!’ she laughed, then added, ‘the pleats really matter!’
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This is part of the March 27, 2020 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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