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Look closely. This is Gorman, Thursday morning, Dec. 6. The Grapevine was closed in both directions as snow continues to fall. Schools are closed today. [Jeff Zimmerman photo]Image 2 of 3
Perfect wardrobe for applying chains when you have to get off the road in Gorman because of snow: hoody and shorts. Most important fashion accessory is those oh-so-trendy chains. Have chains in your car for driving in mountain conditions this winter. [Jeff Zimmerman photo, in Gorman, Dec. 6]Image 3 of 3
Big rigs (yep, including Fed Ex) are stuck in the snow on the Grapevine, which has been closed in both directions [Jeff Zimmerman photo, near Gorman, Dec. 6, 10:40 a.m. ]
FRAZIER PARK and PINE MOUNTAIN CLUB, CA (Friday, Dec. 7, 2018 at 8:03 a.m.)—All Mountain Community main roads are open at this time.
FRAZIER PARK and PINE MOUNTAIN CLUB, CA (Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018 at 3:00 p.m.)—CHP Sergeant Tyler has provided an update: Northbound lanes are all open with CHP escorts. “It will be a couple of hours before traffic speeds are back to normal on the northbound side,” he said. Sgt. Tyler also gave a shoutout to Caltrans for the hard work they do to get the interstate back in shape after a weather event like this. All northbound and southbound lanes are now open over the Grapevine.
FRAZIER PARK and PINE MOUNTAIN CLUB, CA (Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018 at 1:40 p.m.)—According to CHP Sergeant Tyler, at the Fort Tejon Office, southbound Interstate 5 lanes are being opened “as we speak.” Sgt. Tyler cautioned that it may take an hour or more for traffic to begin moving at normal speeds and that the pace could be “crawling” for a while. He confirmed that all southbound onramps and road blocks are being opened, including Grapevine at the bottom of the hill and Frazier Mountain Park Road onramp in Lebec. The northbound lanes from Castaic to Frazier Mountain Park Road are still closed while northbound from Frazier Mountain Park Road is open.
FRAZIER PARK and PINE MOUNTAIN CLUB, CA (Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018 at 1:15 p.m.)—CHP has told The Mountain Enterprise they have a PRELIMINARY plan to open Interstate 5 in both directions around 2:30 p.m. This is only a preliminary plan and is subject to change.
FRAZIER PARK and PINE MOUNTAIN CLUB, CA (Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018 at 12:28 p.m.)—Interstate 5 (The Grapevine) is now open NORTHBOUND from Frazier Mountain Park Road. Sountbound I-5 is still closed from Frazier Mountain Park Road. There is an I-5 closure on the northbound side at Castaic. CHP is monitoring all onramps to make sure motorists don’t jump onto the northbound lanes between Castaic and Frazier Mountain Park Road.
FRAZIER PARK and PINE MOUNTAIN CLUB, CA (Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018 at 11:30 a.m.)—A request to close western section of SR 138 has been made, due to a jacknifed big rig accident near Old Ridge Route Road. CHP requested Grapevine/Interstate 5 be closed down to SR138 / Quail Lake Road south of Gorman, north and southbound.
FRAZIER PARK and PINE MOUNTAIN CLUB, CA (Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018 at 10:44 a.m.)—Mil Potrero Highway is reportedly littered once again with snaggles of spun out cars from Yellowstone to the ‘Y’. Jeff Zimmerman reports that big rig tractor trailers are stuck in the snow on the Interstate 5, foundering near Gorman. The Grapevine is closed in both directions due to snow.
FRAZIER PARK and PINE MOUNTAIN CLUB, CA (Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018 at 9:37 a.m.)—The Grapevine is reported closed in both directions.
FRAZIER PARK and PINE MOUNTAIN CLUB, CA (Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018 at 9:09 a.m.)—A snow day has been called for all area schools this morning. Slushy snow is sticking to the road in Frazier Park but is still melting at this hour in most of Pine Mountain Club. Roads are open, including Interstate 5. A couple of single car spin-outs have been reported by CHP near Gorman and Lebec, but do not appear to be serious. Normal traffic flow continues. All drivers in the Mountain Communities should be traveling with chains in their cars. Please drive very slowly and cautiously. As temperatures get colder icy conditions are setting in. P.S. — Today’s new issue of The Mountain Enterprise is being distributed to newsstands around the mountain right now, and to local post offices to appear in subscribers’ mailboxes.
FRAZIER PARK, CA (Thursday, Dec. 6, 2018 at 7:52 a.m.)—No roads have been reported closed, although two semi tractor-trailer trucks are reported by CHP to be stuck in the snow on Lockwood Valley Road at Mill Canyon Road about a mile west of Chuchupate Ranger Station.
This is part of the December 7, 2018 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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