For listing in the newspaper and online, send community events by Thursday at 2 p.m. to or call 661.245.3794
Thursday, May 2
• American Jukebox plays its repertoire of classic country on Caveman Cavey’s patio, 5 p.m. (3620 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park).
• Frazier Park Elementary School TK and Kindergarten Roundup, 5-7 p.m., (3149 San Carlos Tr, Frazier Park) See pg. 2.
Friday, May 3
•Piano Bar with Steve Wilkinson, 5-7 p.m. (2524 Beechwood Way, Pine Mountain Club)
• Open Mic hosted by Jack Lelah. La Sierra Lounge, 6–8 p.m. (3500 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park)
• Cary Park plays rock, blues bluegrass and country at Pine Mountain Club Condor Lounge, 7–10 p.m. (2524 Beechwood Way, PMC)
Saturday, May 4
• Take the Ridge Route Driving Tour, Saturday, May 4 at 10 a.m., Call the museum for meeting location and more info, 245-7747.
• Get your car washed at In The Wing Dance Studio, Saturday, May 4 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 3524 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park
• Piano Bar with Brendan Coyle; 5-7 p.m., in the PMC Lounge (2524 Beechwood Way, Pine Mountain Club)
• Petra Van De Hey plays outlaw country and popular hits at La Sierra Lounge, 6–8 p.m. (3500 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park)
• Craig Hassenbank Band plays Classic and Alternative rock in the PMC Condor Lounge, 7-11 p.m. (2524 Beechwood Way, Pine Mountain Club)
Sunday, May 5
• Hungry Al’s BBQ hosts Cinco de Mayo with Mexican food and live rock music, 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. (401 Frazier Mountain Park Road, Lebec).
Ongoing and Upcoming
• Spring Market at South Kern Christian Church, Saturday, May 11 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (3509 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park).
• Hungry Al’s BBQ hosts “Hungry For Comedy” 7:30 p.m., call 661-717-1013 for tickets. 401 Frazier Mountain Park Road, Lebec.
• Frazier Mountain Quilters meets every Monday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Frazier Park Senior Room, Frazier Mountain Park, 661-204 4685.
• AARP group luncheon meetings. First Thursday of each month. Potluck or $5 for lunch. (3801 Park Dr., Community Building, Frazier Park)
• FREE Senior Exercise at Community Ctr. Senior Room, Mondays and Thursdays, 11 a.m.-12 noon. (3801 Park Drive, Frazier Park)
• Mountain Memories Association Planning Meetings, every third Sunday of the month at Caveman Cavey’s, 5:30 p.m. (3620 Mt. Pinos Way, Frazier Park)
• Join the Mountain Communities Emergency Response Team (CERT) at their monthly meetings, second Monday of the month, 6 p.m. at Cuddy Hall (335 Lakewood Drive, Lake of the Woods)
• PMC Grief Support Group every Tuesday, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. in the Clubhouse Pavilion (2524 Beechwood Way, Pine Mountain Club) Contact Boo Gard for more information 818-517-1533
At the Frazier Park Library
Library hours: Tues.–Thurs.: 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
Friday: 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
3732 Park Drive, FP • 661-245-1267
Thurs., May 2
12 p.m.- Quilting and Crafts
12:30 p.m.- Preschool Storytime: Mother’s Day
3 p.m.- “Tie Die” Watercolor Bookmarks
Fri., May 3
11 a.m. – Baby Bounce
3:30 p.m. – Family Storytime: May Day
Sat., Apr. 27
10 a.m-4 p.m..- Craft Fair
11 a.m. – Board Games for Adults
12-1 p.m. – Spanish for Kids
1 p.m. – Dungeons and Dragons
Tues., May 7
3:30 p.m. – Intro to Japanese
3-5 p.m. – Lego Mania: Build a Plane
Wednesday., May 8
11 a.m. – Coloring and Coffee
11 a.m. – Toddler Time: Green
3 p.m. – Dungeons and Dragons
4:30 p.m. – Bookworms Book Club
Tues. through Fri. 3-6 p.m. Supper and Snacks in the Stacks
Every Monday
•Senior Exercise,11 a.m. Frazier Mtn. Park Community Ctr, FP Mary (661-245-1992)
•Meals on Wheels Distribution, (661-245-1952)
Every Tuesday and Thursday
•Walt & Pam, 6 p.m. at La Sierra Mexican restaurant (3500 Mt. Pinos Way, FP).
Every Wednesday
•Pine Mountain Christian Community Church Women’s Bible Study at the Activity Center,10 a.m., Pine Mtn Village, (661-242-1025)
•Pine Mountain Christian Community Church Men’s Bible Study in the Library, 10 a.m., Pine Mountain Village, (661-242-1025)
•Pine Mountain Christian Community Church Youth Group meets from 5–7 p.m. for youth in grades 7–12, at the Activity Center of Pine Mtn Village. (661-242-1025)
•Morning Yoga, 10:30 a.m., Frazier Park Library, FP (661-245-1267). Bring your own mat.
•Meals on Wheels distribution, (661-245-1952)
Second and Fourth Wednesday
•Senior Sack, 10 a.m.–12 p.m., Frazier Mtn. Park Community Center, FP (661-245-3409)
Every Thursday
•Senior Exercise, 11 a.m., Frazier Mtn. Park Community Center, FP Mary(661-245-1992)
•Children’s Circle, 11–11:55 a.m., Frazier Park Library, FP (661-245-1267)
•Quilting and Crafts, 12 p.m.
Every Friday
•Meals on Wheels distribution, (661-245-1952)
•Cary Park, 6 p.m. at La Sierra Mexican restaurant (3500 Mt. Pinos Way, FP) except the first Friday of the month.
Every Saturday
•Meditation, 12 p.m., Jizo Peace Center (818-834-5925).
•VFW Bingo Night, 7 p.m. at Post 9791 (612 Canada Trail, FP.)
Every Sunday
•Pine Mtn. Christian Community Church service, 10 a.m., and live streamed at (661-242-1025)
First Wednesday
•Salvation Army Commodities, 9 a.m., Frazier Mtn. Park Community Center (805-727-6808)
•Ukulele Jam, 4 p.m., Frazier Park Library, FP.
•ETUSD School Board 6:30 p.m., 3149 San Carlos Trail, FP (661-248-6247)
First Thursday
•LOW Mutual Water Co. meeting is at 6 p.m., 3534 Mt. Pinos Way, FP.
•Poetry Night, 6 p.m., at Adventure Ink Bookstore (16225 Askin Drive, PMC).
First Friday
•Open Mic Night, 6 p.m. at La Sierra Mexican restaurant (3500 Mt. Pinos Way, FP).
Second Monday
•FMHS Booster Club meets at 7 p.m., online via Zoom.
• Mountain Communities CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) meets 6–7:30 p.m. at Cuddy Hall (335 Lakewood Pl., LOW).
Second Tuesday
•Gorman Elementary School Board 3:30 p.m. at the school
•Lebec County Water District board meets 6 p.m., online via Zoom.
Second Thursday
•Frazier Park Public Utility District board meeting 6 p.m., online via Zoom.
Third Tuesday
•South Kern Cemetery District board meeting 5:30 p.m. Arvin Library, Arvin
•Piñon Pines Water Board 6 p.m. Piñon Pines Community Building, 1001 Coldwater Drive.
Third Wednesday
•El Tejon PTSO meeting 2:30 p.m., in the Staff lounge, Frazier Park Elementary School, FP (626-391-6380)
•Shelter on the Hill Board, Tejon Ranch Natural Resource Bldg. 6 p.m. (661-245-5021) Members & guests
Third Saturday
•Pine Mountain Club Property Owners Association Board of Directors meeting, 10 a.m., in the Condor Room. (661-242-3788)
Fourth Tuesday
•Piñon Pines HOA, 6:30 p.m., firehouse in Piñon Pines.
Fourth Tuesday
•Senior Sack 10 a.m., Frazier Mountain Community Center (661-245-3409), FP.
Last Monday of the month
•Krista Mutual Water Co. board meeting 1 p.m., 3534 Mt. Pinos Way, FP and online via Zoom.
Every second and fourth Sunday
•A Garden Market with organic produce and crafts at the Pine Mountain Village center gazebo, 12–4 p.m.
Is Your Event Missing? Call 661-245-3794
or email
This is part of the May 3, 2024 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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