By Gary Meyer
Gregory White, 53 of the Pine Mountain community was flown to Kern Medical Center (KMC) after colliding with a tree on Mil Potrero Highway 1.5 miles west of the ‘Y’ on Tuesday, Oct. 6.
At about 8:35 p.m. witnesses reported…(please see below to view full stories and photographs)
Photo captions:
Fire and paramedic crews work to extricate the driver of a GMC utility truck on Mil Potrero Highway.
Above: The driver lies in the cab of his truck while crews prepare to move him to an ambulance. The passenger side wall and the roof of the truck have been removed to extricate the driver.
Left: This pug dog was rescued from the utility truck with gashes to its head and back.
PMC resident Larry Hawkins took care of the dog while crews worked to save Mr. White.
Battalion Chief Kirk Kushen observes while his crews tear the roof off the utility truck to extricate a PMC resident.
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This is part of the October 9, 2015 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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