Pond fish artist returns—County supervisor seat could be key to pond fix

  • Photo by Gary Meyer, The Mountain Enterprise

    Photo by Gary Meyer, The Mountain Enterprise

By Gary Meyer, TME

In July and August of 2016, Frazier Park area residents began sounding the alarm: The pond water level was falling.
By November 3, the pond was gone.

Eighteen months later, at 5 a.m. on April 28, 2018, Lockwood Valley metal sculptor Stan McCuen, with his family and friends, installed sculptures representing

Photo captions:

Left-right: VFW member and Mountain Memories Vice-President Terry Staley helps Lockwood Valley metal sculptor Stan McCuen install two dozen fish and water fowl sculptures in the dried-up pond bed to draw attention to an opportunity for restoring the pond.

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This is part of the August 16, 2024 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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