
January 10, 2014
Dear Editor:

Stacy Havener Hudson’s ‘Evil Queen’ letter to the editor recalls the “sticks and stones” saying we all learned as children. She wrote the letter in defense of her husband, Milton Hudson. For that, perhaps we can commend her, but Stacey would have done well to have kept her opinion to herself, instead of washing laundry in public that was already clean, factually.

[In November, rather than attend a hearing on charges of financial misconduct toward customers, Hudson turned in his broker’s license. He admitted the misconduct charges filed against him by  the California Bureau of Real Estate were accurate. The Mountain Enterprise reported these actions.] 

By unleashing her anger in her letter, Stacey expresses a side of her personality no one would want to expose.

I’ve always known Patric Hedlund to be most ethical, professional and considerate of all people as a reporter and newspaper editor.

Donato Ventura, Community College Counselor, Retired
Lake of the Woods

This is part of the January 24, 2014 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.

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