By Gary Meyer
A new recycling center opened Monday, Aug. 11 in the parking lot area at Don’s Liquor Market in Frazier Park.
Rocio and Armando Herrera closed down their Lake of the Woods recycle center at Midway Market on May 20, about the same time they applied for a permit to…
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Armando Hererra officially opens the new recycle center at Don’s Liquor in Frazier Park.
Randy Whitbread, ‘Just plain David’ and Robert Singleton took away $41 cash in exchange for their cans and bottles.
Rocio and Armando Hererra receiving aluminum cans on their first day of business
In its first half hour of business, the new center had already served about 10 customers who brought recyclable items.
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This is part of the August 15, 2014 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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