The Frazier Mountain Car Club’s big Memorial Day Weekend Ridge Route Run Car Show and Parade is Saturday, May 26, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The heart of Frazier Park is transformed with more cars than ever this year, “150 to 200,” said coordinator Kevin Lundin. “The big things include the Memorial Parade, with people walking in honor of those who have given their life in service to our country. Everyone is encouraged to join in,” Lundin said. The Armed Forces Support Foundation Harley Club will be there.
Watch for the “petriotic” entries, with prizes for best patriotic pet costumes. “We have the Kiddy 500 with 20 entries already,” Lundin said. “Kids have made cardboard replicas of cars and walk them in the parade. Faith Granger, a car culture movie celebrity, will be there too.”
Lundin and his team give the proceeds to charities. All year long he and FMCC members have been showing up at El Tejon Unified School District Board meetings to hand out checks to help teachers afford supplies and special equipment for their classrooms.
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This is part of the May 25, 2018 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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