September 10, 2011
Dear Editor:
The season has once again come upon us to help Los Padres Estates Property Owners Association (LPEPOA or LPE) with the repair of the roads we all use.
Have you noticed the 400 feet of newly paved road on Lebec Oaks Road? Looks nice, doesn’t it? They plan to resurface a 20’ x 200’ section of the road every six months if funds are available. The overlays cost well over $5,000 each. We can see they need all the help they can get financially. Many thanks to LPE.
I’m calling for everyone who can to donate to the maintenance of the roads that serve us all.
The LPE annual assessment is $120. We’ll use the same process as last year: As soon as we learn the name of the contractor selected to patch up potholes, the POA will notify the editor of The Mountain Enterprise. Once we are notified of the contractor’s name, we can all make our checks payable to the contractor that LPE has hired to do the job.
Receipts will be provided to you, so please be sure to put your name and address on the check so that I know to whom to mail the receipt. Just a friendly reminder: this is not tax deductible.
We raised about $400 last year. It wasn’t a lot, but it helped get the road repaired and was greatly appreciated. I hope we can triple that amount this year.
Times are tough right now for many people. If you can’t give the full $120, please donate something. Remember times are also tough for our LPE neighbors. Your contribution will show how much we value the upkeep of Lebec Oaks Road.
Contact me at km.lord@- and 661-618-9686. My address is 2854 Gibson Drive in case you want to drop by the donation. Thank you to those who joined in last year and to those who intend to participate this year.
Karen Lord-Jarvis Lebec
This is part of the September 16, 2011 online edition of The Mountain Enterprise.
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